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Activities of "fguo"

I have an account in AspNetZero. I need to change my contact info such as email, and login password. I logged in, but couldn’t find any link to edit/manage my “profile” info.

Please advise how to edit that info.


It’s not easy to search out something from “”. For example, I am trying to find out about “LDAP” feature. I put the word “LDAP” in the Filter topics on that web site, but get nothing.

Is it possible to download the whole support documents into my local computer with a Word file?


I am working on version 8.4 with LDAP enabled. It works fine when I am in our domain. However, if I work out of the domain and try to login on https://localhost:44301/Ui/Login, I always get an unhandled exception:” LdapException: The LDAP server is unavailable”.

As I remembered, if the LDAP is unavailable, it should use standard login automatically. Am I correct? Can you advise what I possibly missed and how to fix it?


I am using Core+Angular version 7.2.3. I made my own component similar to “PhoneBook Component” example. I just like to display it on the whole main section of screen (i.e. right of side-bar, below of top-bar, above of foot-bar, and left of screen’s right edge). Here is my sample.component.html:

<div [@routerTransition] class="?" style="border:dashed; width:100%; height:100%">
    <!-- add some html tags here -->

First of all, I like to border the section to make sure the inside element (e.g. a background image) can fill the whole area.

What css class should be used for this purpose? I’ve tried “kt-content”, “kt-container”, “kt-portlet”, “kt-portlet__body kt-portlet__body--fit”, and so on, but all of them cannot draw the border around the whole main section.

Can you give me a clue?



I am trying Core+Angular version 7.2.3 with start both Web.Host and Web.Public. It opens good, but there are some errors as following:

HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
localhost:45776 (1,1)

4CSS3121: The media query -ms-viewport has been deprecated.

SCRIPT5007: SCRIPT5007: Unable to set property 'defaultSourceName' of undefined or null reference
localhost:45776 (465,9)

0: Unable to get property 'unspecifiedClockProvider' of undefined or null reference
GetScripts (1379,4)

0: 'jQuery' is not defined
frontend-metronic.min.js (1,1311)

0: '$' is not defined
localhost:45776 (475,8)

0: 'jQuery' is not defined
jquery.fancybox.pack.js (1,1)

0: Unable to get property 'fn' of undefined or null reference
owl.carousel.js (1717,1)

0: '$' is not defined

Also, the Language and logout dropdowns cannot be open, so I cannot logout from the site.

Is it a bug?

It is a common request to show “route history” on top bar, so users can click on any node to jump back that page.

Sometimes, I want to keep some pages in “active” (i.e. just hide the page instead of destroying it). I like to keep the “active” nodes displayed in bold, so it can be quickly reopen and show the state same as time at hidden.

Can I expect this feature added on Core+Angular version in the near future?


I am using Angular + Core v7.0.0, and trying to supply an API. I need this API to read the Http Request Body. I tested it with a simple endpoint, but always get error.

Here is the test endpoint method:

public class TestAppService : AppServiceBase { public string ReceiveString([FromBody] string body) { return body; } }

I tested it on swager. Whatever the input string is, it always returns an 400 error:

{ "result": null, "targetUrl": null, "success": false, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "Your request is not valid!", "details": "The following errors were detected during validation.\r\n - Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: x. Path '', line 1, position 1.\r\n", "validationErrors": [ { "message": "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: x. Path '', line 1, position 1.", "members": [ "" ] } ] }, "unAuthorizedRequest": false, "__abp": true }

What did I miss?



Do you have road map to add Mutation feature on GraphQL template in the near future, or I need to work it by myself?

BTW, I also expect the filter, sort, and pagenation on query. I wonder if you will add them on?



I tried Core+Angular v6.9.1. Running GraphQL Playground is good. It is also good by postman. I wonder how to send a request to /graphql endpoint from Angular UI. I didn't find any despription in document. Is there an automation like running "nswag/refresh.bat"? Can you give me a hint by an example either automation or manually creating?



I am trying v6.9.1 Core+Angular. I tested Web Public project and found a bug (maybe). On the top-right of screen, the language dropdown does not work. The pulldown list does not show up while clicking the arrow button.

Samething happens on all tabs and links on the page. It just show the link URL on address bar, but the page does not refreshed. For example, if I click the "Document" tab on the home page, the URL changed as http://localhost:45776/#tab-2, but the page still shows the "home".

Maybe the javascript file is missed or wrong linked?

I've tried to run "npm run create-bundles", Update Bundles, and Restore packages, but no help.

Showing 1 to 10 of 76 entries