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Activities of "flavio"

SEC7123: O cabeçalho de solicitação .aspnetcore.culture não estava presente na lista Access-Control-Allow-Headers. SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Erro de Rede 0x80070005, Acesso negado.

When I try to access app using Internet Explorer , these errors are thrown ... How can I solve this issue? Its possible to remotely fix it ?

Thanks ...

Hi all, Im having a problem when publish following this tutorial :

When I publish , Im facing this error when access http: AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll?d=, NOT FOUND. I dont know if this is related to configuration of APP before publish, or structure of folders in SERVER. I also need a STEP_BY-STEP working....

Thanks in advance.

Hi all, I need to know if the framework has a correct way to retrieve messages from MVC controller back to angular(a method or something useful)... We're using MVC methods to proccess heavy data, and needs to return a message OK or not. Because we're using some third-party DLL's in .NET framework, we cant use services in this case. Thanks in advance,

Hi all, We're facing some problems when try to render the application in cell phones... Seems like several scripts are overwhelming the request... What should we do, in order to build 'HTML5 - angular' app tests environment ? We also know about xamarin solution, but we dont have time enough to create the proccess twice...

Thanks in advance,


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