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Activities of "gbadenhorst"


Is there a way to include the standard looks and designs for the primeng functionality into the angular core project?

I am trying to use some of the standard functionality of the primeng tables suchs as: ColGroup <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

However as soon as i try to use this it appears exceedingly ugly and sometimes the overall structures are ruined and things get malaligned.

I'm not sure how to handle the CSS regarding the ASPNet Zero template designs.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Gideon Badenhorst


I am experiencing a weird issue in the template when generating functionality with Rad Tool. (I don't think the issue is Rad related though)

After i generate my entity and run the project i get this error:

ERROR in src/app/main/BusinessPartners/businessPartners/create-or-edit-businessPartner-modal.component.ts(52,6): error TS2339: Property 'finally' does not exist on type 'Observable<void>'. src/app/main/ProjectTasks/projectTasks/create-or-edit-projectTask-modal.component.ts(57,6): error TS2339: Property 'finally' does not exist on type 'Observable<void>'. src/app/main/Projects/projects/create-or-edit-project-modal.component.ts(57,6): error TS2339: Property 'finally' does not exist on type 'Observable<void>'.

When i comment out:

//.finally(() => { this.saving = false; })

Everything runs fine.

The stranger part comes in with the objects in typescript. When i open the CreateOrEdit ts file, i can barely "use" the objects without referencing back to the back end code. An example of this issue would be: I generated the object as FullAudited however the audit related properties such as Id is missing. Attached screenshot as example :


This is the case for quite a few properties, some strings are shown as booleans however when inspecting it it is created as a string(which is correct) by nswag.

I am not 100% sure how to explain some of these property related issues.

Is there some updates I need to run for some of the software since 5.4.1 or is it an issue currently in the template?

Thanks, Gideon


Just want to start this off with: well done with the new Rad Tool features, they are extremely helpful and will make life so much easier with the generation from existing tables especially. Thanks!

I am not sure if this has been mention before by someone.

When an entity is generated it is correct. however, when you load the entity again and regenerate it, it seems to mess up the bindings on the grids.


Example of fields in the grid that is mixed up.
Task is correct Details -> Text under completed(Supposed to be a bool) Hours Required -> Numbers under subject Completed -> Under 2nd subject.

I am using Core + Angular 5.4.1

Thanks, Gideon Badenhorst


This is more of just an information question on future RAD Tool functionality.

Will the RAD Tool in the future include File Upload and File Download Lookup generation?

It will be quite a handy feature to have: CreateOrEdit(Upload component for anyfiles as basic - users can later then obviously modify code as they want) View(Download files option) Delete(Option to delete file uploaded)

Thanks! Gideon BAdenhorst



I have no problem changing this on my side as you guys are already giving us so much and it is a wonderful project:

I don't know if this is also something that other people might find useful as a default for the RAD tool.

Due nature of the system that I am currently writing which is a full ERP/CRM/E-Commerce/Projects/ Production system I have a lot of links on certain tables which are always on other tables by default.

Currently, when you are generating the links between tables there is by default a property Id specified which can be changed naturally. At first, I did not notice the naming convention directly relates to the property and does not have an alternative "link" value of sort.

I encountered errors due to this hence why I am suggesting this, although it is not a train smash or anything, it is a nice to have and possibly something other people might like/agree on.

In the previous project when we linked tables we always referred to the naming convention as FK_TableName_LinkTableName_LinkeProperty.

Currently, WarehouseId is referenced in all tables where Warehouse is specified which create duplicates in the end.

In my case, it would be something like: FK_Products_ProductWarehouse_WarehouseId.

I don't know if there is a suggestion thread somewhere for things like this but here it is. If there is a place for suggestion please let me know where and ill remove the post here and drop it where required and future things as well.


I've deployed an initial version of a website and the problem i am experiencing now is a rather annoying one. How does CORS interact with the overall functions(Post/Put/Delete/etc) of ASP Net Zero?

I have no problems updateding, creating or viewing data but when I try to delete it blocks me with: products:1 Failed to load <a class="postlink" href="http://api">http://api</a>.{domain} No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://{domain}' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 405.

As far as I know I followed all the steps correctly when deploying including the config files with all the forward slashes etc.

I am using the latest version of Angular + Core.

Here is extracts from my config files: Code Config: "ServerRootAddress": "http://api.{domain}", "ClientRootAddress": "http://{domain}", "CorsOrigins": "http://{domain},http://localhost:49152" Angular Config: "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://api.{domain}", "appBaseUrl": "http://{domain}",

Is there something I'm doing wrong here?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


How do I go about updating a package like PrimeNG? Everything I tried so far has ended up with the project breaking and endless amounts of errors when I run the angular project.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Gideon Badenhorst


I have been getting a very strange interaction with creating users. In 5.0.3 the first time I started the project up, I could not create users and after refreshing the page once I could create users. Now on 5.0.4, it does not allow me to create users at all for some reason. The save just never goes from disabled to enabled. I would like to be able to provide an error but I have zero errors to work on for this post.

In 4.6.1 there was a form of validation on popups of existing functionality which is currently in 5+ not available.

Another thing that I just want to point out is a visual overlay of menus that is a bit buggy. When you have the menu on top and you are on a screen with a filter bar it does not stay topmost but rather goes underneath the filter box:

Here is a nother interesting scenario which kind of trips me out a bit: I opened the project up in Chrome and in Firefox. I have 1 User and 1 tenant in the system both of them are created by default on project start up with the seeding as provided with the template. Tenant: Default or .

<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:4200/app/admin/hostDashboard">http://localhost:4200/app/admin/hostDashboard</a> In Firefox it opens as it should, as an admin user.

In Chrome, it handles the user as a non admin user. <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:4200/app/main/dashboard">http://localhost:4200/app/main/dashboard</a>

I have no idea how to handle this and quite frankly i don't know how this is possible.

The only difference between the 2 is the sign in style i think: Chrome: Default\Admin Firefox: .\Admin

Thank you in advance and sorry for not being able to provide more details on the Create user issue, I will try and have a look when I have more time available.

Regards, Gideon Badenhorst


Can anyone actually log in with the latest version?

When I started the project up, unlike 5.0.2 the scenario is reversed for me. 5.0.2: Here the UI worked with errors on the Backend side. 5.0.3: Now the UI does not work and the backend seems to be working.

I am not sure if I am handling something different from how it is supposed to be done.

Currently when I start the UI project the following errors:

This is a new segment to 5.0.3 and I could not find something relating to it in 5.0.2 and lower. I imported lodash (This is the part that I am not sure if it is the correct item to import for this.

Besides for that, I can't log in after I run the UI project:

<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742/api/services/app/Session/GetCurrentLoginInformations">http://localhost:22742/api/services/app ... formations</a> {"result":null,"targetUrl":null,"success":false,"error":{"code":0,"message":"An internal error occurred during your request!","details":null,"validationErrors":null},"unAuthorizedRequest":false,"__abp":true}

Anyone maybe knows how to get out of this situation with 5.0.3 or if I am just doing something wrong?

Regards, Gideon Badenhorst


Can't download the last stable version at the moment. It results in a 500 error when project creation is initiated: 500 ERROR! An internal error occurred during your request!

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