Hi, I tried to implement the fullCalendar by following this documentation [https://fullcalendar.io/docs/usage/]) I've added the fullcalendar.js file to the project and called it in the layout.cshtml along with the script they've given. But its not working. How can we use the fullCalender of Metronic? Do i need to add any of these additional files??
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite>
By the way, Metronic theme already has a calendar in it called fullCalendar. You can also use it if you like. FullCalendar github page: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar">https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar</a> FullCalendar Metronic sample: <a class="postlink" href="http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/admin_4_material_design/app_calendar.html">http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/ ... endar.html</a>
Hi, that was a useful information. I like the fullCalendar and I'm going to use that. Thank you :D
Hi, Does AspNetZero supports Bootstrap3 ?? If yes, how can we use it in the UI? If not, what do we need to do for make it possible??
I tried to implement a calendar which is build using bootstrap3 ([https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-bootstrap-calendar/#?example=kitchen-sink])). But it is not working.
Hope you will reply soon!
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Probably IRepository<Subject> is not created by Dependency Injection. The reason might be Subject entity is not added to any DbContext.
If it is added to any dbContext, do you have below line in that module's Initialize method (one of your EntityFramework modules).
Oh my god! Thank You very much. Exactly this was the problem..! I didn't added the Subject entity to the DbContext. Now it's working well.. Thanks a lot and sorry for the foolish mistake I've done!
Thank you very much for the information. I used the code given below:
In Smart_campusWebApiModule
.ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(Smart_campusBaseModuleApplicationModule).Assembly, "app")
Now the AppServices of Smart_campusBaseModuleApplicationModule are generated and I can call the AppService methods in the API.
But another problem is, whenever I call the methods from Smart_campusBaseModuleApplicationModule, there is a System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. It's because the parametered constructor of the AppService is not being initiated. That is, I'm using the 'InserAsync' function of 'IRepository' interface in the AppService. I've coded to set an instance of the IRepository to _subjectRepository in the AppService Constructor. But that constructor is not getting initiated. So that, an error is occurred at the point of inserting the data. Code: Topscore.Smart_campus.BaseModule.Application
public class SubjectAppService : Smart_campusAppServiceBase, ISubjectAppService
public readonly IRepository<Subject> _subjectRepository;
public SubjectAppService()
public SubjectAppService(IRepository<Subject> subjectAppService)
_subjectRepository = subjectAppService;
public ListResultDto<SubjectListDto> GetSubjects()
return new ListResultDto<SubjectListDto>(
.OrderBy(t => t.Name)
vm.getSubjects = function () {
vm.loading = true;
.then(function (result) {
vm.userGridOptions.totalItems = result.data.totalCount;
vm.userGridOptions.data = result.data.items;
}).finally(function () {
vm.loading = false;
When the GetSubjects methode is invoked from the API, it comes to the parameterless constructor of the AppService. Then it comes to the method, not to the parametered constructor. Hence the error is occurred.
I've tried after removing the parameterless constructor. At that time, the code doesn't even coming to the SubjectAppService :roll: It just showing 'An error has occurred! Error detail not sent by server.' in the browser. (NB: Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().SendAllExceptionsToClients is set to true :|) I couldn't find any details of the error in AbpAuditLogs or Logs.txt.
How can we make it possible?? Please help me on this too..
Please look at the structure of my project in the attached screenshot: [attachment=0:ar1kmk5f]AbpZero.JPG[/attachment:ar1kmk5f]
I need to develop my application in modular structure. Because it will be easy to manage the changes/additions in each module without affecting the whole project.
So, I'm developing each of my modules in the folder named 'Modules'. Here, I've started developing a 'Topscore.Smart_campus.BaseModule'. It contains the Core, Application and EntityFramework projects. My problem is, the AppServices in the 'Topscore.Smart_campus.BaseModule.Application' project is not getting initiated.
I've defined the module 'Smart_campusBaseModuleApplicationModule' for the 'Topscore.Smart_campus.BaseModule.Application' project. And dependency registration is also done in the Initialize() methode:
namespace Topscore.Smart_campus.BaseModule.Application
public class Smart_campusBaseModuleApplicationModule : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
public override void Initialize()
And this module class is invoked through 'Smart_campusWebModule' (Marked in the picture)
Then I tried to call the 'StudentAppService' in the angular controller using 'abp.services.app.student' But there is no services available with the name 'student' or anything like that. Although this service is not found, i could see all the other AppServices (including user, tenant etc..) when debugging through browser.
Hi, I've purchased ASPNetZero just before a couple of days. Now I would like to add some PlugIn Modules to my project. Can you please give me a sample project which implements the PlugIn Modules??