You can register your dependencies inside this method: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Migrator/AbpZeroTemplateMigratorModule.cs#L41">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-ze ... ule.cs#L41</a>
See <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Dependency-Injection#using-iocmanager">https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Doc ... iocmanager</a> for registering dependencies.
Authentication can be single if you use one of the application as IdentityServer and others as open id connect clients. But the authorization part (assigning permissions to users) will be in seperated db for every application. Is that what you want? If not, can you write a bit more details for the scenario you want.
I suppose you should add your decompression filter before ABP's ValidationFilter. Did you try to add [DisableValidation] to your action to understand if it's actually related to the validation. Also, can you share the exception message and stack trace in the logs.
You are definitely right. We are also learning by time. Forcing this is not possible for now. But we consider to make it default in the future.
For now, you can replace IDbContextEntityFinder service with your own implementation to just find aggregate root types. This is default implementation: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/dev/src/Abp.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkCore/EfCoreDbContextEntityFinder.cs">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... yFinder.cs</a>
This generally happens when you upgrade some Abp* packages but not upgrade other Abp* packages. Be sure that all Abp* packages are in the same version. If that does not work please share your stacktrace so we can understand which library is trying to call that method.
BTW, I strongly suggest to upgrade to latest ABP version since your version is too old and hard to support for us :)
If you are using ASP.NET MVC 5.x / Web API then you need to add [DontWrapResult] to the application service interface, not to the class.
But you can not set HTTP return code in application layer because it's a web layer feature. If you want to take full advantage of HTTP protocol then you need to write a regular Controller/ApiController.
Thank you for your additional comments.
At least you should implement features which are normally supported in ABP, like disabling languages and such
That's reasonable, while there are not much stuff like that.
We wouldn't want to introduce such a feature branching, however this comes from external sources: Microsoft and Google have done such a branching and this is very natural. Even such huge companies does not have resource (or don't want to spend time) to align all features of their frameworks. It's same for us: We can not add same feature 4 times with our more limited resources.
Just sharing more statistics:
Beginning from 2017-01-06 (the time we released angular2):
Aspnet Core (with angular or jquery): 64%. Aspnet Mvc 5. (with angularjs or jquery): 36%.
I know that not all downloads are production projects. Some of they may be just for test or update purposes, but that provides an idea for us.
The sample shared by @ismcagdas is for C# (server side). You can not run an exe program in user's local computer (from browser) as I know. ActiveX way may work but I don't think it's supported by all browsers. BTW, this is out of AspNet Zero's scope because it's a general topic. If you can do it in javascript in another application, you can do it within AspNet Zero too.
Thank you for your comments. I will try to explain the reason of our decision.
First of all, sharing project download statistics since you wanted:
This is for last 2 months (beginning from 1st May 2017):
As you have seen, 66% (2/3) of our customers are using ASP.NET Core / Angular 2 versions.
ASP.NET Zero's main goal is to start to new web applications. We don't provide a good solution for;
Like Microsoft, we also still does not tell to drop ASP.NET MVC 5.x applications. We understand that some of our customers will still start with MVC 5.x + EF 6.x (because of technical and non-technical reasons). So, why we don't add new features for MVC 5.x:
One another thing is that: Our ASP.NET Core version supports full .net framework too (beside .net core). So, your existing/legacy code can still be integrated to ASP.NET Core.
We will continue to evaluate feedbacks from our customers and watch the usage of core and mvc frameworks. If we have more resource, we consider to add features to mvc5x version in the future. But we believe AspNet Zero's actual value is not features, but infrastructure. We are developing it for 2 years. We could ad 5x more features in that time (that would show our demo richer and make our sales more :)), but we think to aligning to the latest technology and providing a well architected solid infrastructure has much more value for real world applications.