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Activities of "hitaspdotnet"

EF core 2 not supporting many-to-many relations without fluent or join table right now. I read a article in APB documents that related to use Data layer for mapping and data filters. So if I had a module class library please give me the tips whats steps to create CustomModelBuilder for fluent API in MyModule? I'm student special thanks for any help with inline simple code. Regards

I have just come up with an idea. Is it possible for any tenant to have a special domain name? For example a tenant with "{TenantName}" URL have "{TenantName}.com" based on host tenant.

My project is a eCommerce platform I want Users can build their own store with dedicated URL as feature edition. I think we need a special UI generator with API calling to {TenantName} but I'm not sure Any idea please? :roll:

In code first approach we will first create entity classes with properties defined in it. ABP Entity framework will create the database and tables based on the entity classes defined. So database is generated from the code.

Advantages 1.You can create the database and tables from your business objects. 2.You can specify which related collections are to be eager loaded, or not be serialized at all. 3.You can use amazing Microsoft Entity Framework features in your entities 4.Database version control. 5.Good for small applications

Database First Approach Disadvantages

1.Using an existing database to generate a .edmx model file and the associated code models results in a giant pile of auto generated code. 2.When you need to add any functionality to generated model you have to extend the model class generated.

In the ABP framework everything is clean and easy so you can migrate from DB first to Code first easily. Use amazing ABP Zero RAD tools for generating your entities and enjoy.

<cite>alper: </cite> can you explain in details with showing some concrete samples.

I have a featured namespace named "Store" and they have some child namespace like "Catalog, Customers, Sales,..". So my entities like "Categories, Products, etc" should be in that main menu for progressing permissions and useful UI navigation. But all of my entities just can going to root menu or administration menu. So I need confirm my host permission and angular navigation per entity.

Hi. Why the client side code generator isn't modified by entity namespace for menu and childs position when using Rad tools? :( How to add new items to list?

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