Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ipservant"

Thank you, that works fine!


I'm struggling on a thing that looks fairly simple at first sight, but I didn't find the right hint yet... We have the situation in an AppService where we need to call another web service (a document converter) and provide him with a callback URL of one of our host controllers.

Now the question is, how do I get the equivalent to AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl in the host AppService? To me the value of the appsettings.json ServerRootAddress would make sense to use, but how can I get that in an AppService?

Thanks for your help!

Thank you, that worked!


We are trying to translate the "Choose" label in p-fileupload with the l() function, can you please advise how to do that properly? Thanks in advance!

<div class="uploadArea">
                            <!--<img src="{{iDfamilyImage}}" width="200" height="200" class="img-thumbnail img-rounded" />-->
                            <p-fileUpload multiple="true"

Hello, I'm trying to do the same and deleted the .EntityFrameworkCore/Migrations folder's Migration classes but not the Seed folder and it's contents. Add-Migration and Update-Database went well:

PM> add-migration Initial_Migration Build started... Build succeeded. To undo this action, use Remove-Migration. PM> update-database Build started... Build succeeded. Applying migration '20200122140256_Initial_Migration'. Done.

But after launching the host I get this error:

Npgsql.PostgresException HResult=0x80004005 Message=42P01: Relation »AbpEditions« existiert nicht Source=Npgsql

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for help!


We're using Angular in the front-end and need to create a new view that collects data from different AppServices. What we want to achieve:

  • Views should be draggable (already found a solution with ngDraggable here) and non-modal
  • Views should be multi-instance (user can open as many of them as he wants and maybe minimize them)
  • Views persist while the user navigates pages in the main application
  • Views get created when the user clicks on "Actions->View" from several RAD-generated tables or other places, so we need a 'global' function like openNewView(someID) to initiate a new view instance.

I've done a lots of research but am still not sure which way to go (and also still learning Angular). Shall we append this to the app.compoment.ts? Using ViewChildren maybe?

I'd be very thankful for some advice and even more for a few lines of code as hint on how to correctly implement/declare this view 'skeleton' in general so that it fits Zero best.

Thanks, AD

I found a solution by myself that I wanted to share with you, feel free to let me know what you think of it. I extended PrimengTableHelper.ts with:

    getMultiSorting(table: Table): string {
        let sorting;
        if (table.multiSortMeta != undefined && table.multiSortMeta.length > 0) {
            sorting = '';
            for (let i = 0; i < table.multiSortMeta.length; i++) {
                if (table.multiSortMeta[i]) {
                    sorting += table.multiSortMeta[i].field;
                    if (table.multiSortMeta[i].order === 1) {
                        sorting += ' ASC';
                    } else if (table.multiSortMeta[i].order === -1) {
                        sorting += ' DESC';
                    if ((i + 1) < table.multiSortMeta.length) {
                        sorting += ', ';

Core then uses OrderBy:

.OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? "id asc")

Kind regards, IPS


I'd like to use sortMode="multiple" (see here, where you can select multiple columns to sort by when you CTRL+Click them.

I added sortMode here:

<p-table #dataTable

Now I'm able to select multiple columns, but this.primengTableHelper.getSorting(this.dataTable) remains undefined.

Single sorting works fine as soon as I remove sortMode.

Do you have an idea how to correctly implement multi sort?

Thank you in advance! IPS

First of all thanks. In the test program it works. Even though I don't understand yet, why. And only the Async version. Trying the same on the non-async will not lead to a success. But let's digg deeper into the root causes. Your** Abp.NHibernate asm** and there the AbpNHibernateModule does some more magic, which I could not replicate yet. The thing is: I certainly tried to depend on the NHModule already a while ago:

public class IPSwebAdsDataModule : AbpModule

but it turns out that once enabled, the module registers all standard facilties on it's. So all the other IRepository<T>s or similar end up becoming an NHibrernate Repo. So the whole existing EF-Based application does not work anymore. Example-Exception below. Sorry but I have to have two OR-Mappers in my application for two very differend DBMSs.

So what do I need to register differently or do different in my SessionProvider? I suppose, I have to register a shim in Kestrel to create the (NH-based) wrapping transactions before any call to a NH-Reposoitory....

Hmm. So this happens if the Module dependency is declared: Also the User repository is realized as NH as the facility is now on NH

HibernateException: Unable to locate persister for the entity named 'IPSweb.Authorization.Users.User'.
The persister define the persistence strategy for an entity.
Possible causes:
- The mapping for 'IPSweb.Authorization.Users.User' was not added to the NHibernate configuration.
NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultLoadEventListener.OnLoad(LoadEvent event, LoadType loadType)
Stack Query Cookies Headers 
HibernateException: Unable to locate persister for the entity named 'IPSweb.Authorization.Users.User'. The persister define the persistence strategy for an entity. Possible causes: - The mapping for 'IPSweb.Authorization.Users.User' was not added to the NHibernate configuration. 
NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultLoadEventListener.OnLoad(LoadEvent event, LoadType loadType)
NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl.FireLoad(LoadEvent event, LoadType loadType)
NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl.Get(string entityName, object id)
NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl.Get<T>(object id)
Abp.Domain.Repositories.AbpRepositoryBase<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>.FirstOrDefaultAsync(TPrimaryKey id) in AbpRepositoryBase.cs
Abp.Domain.Uow.UnitOfWorkInterceptor.PerformAsyncUow(IInvocation invocation, UnitOfWorkOptions options) in UnitOfWorkInterceptor.cs
Abp.Domain.Uow.UnitOfWorkInterceptor.PerformAsyncUow(IInvocation invocation, UnitOfWorkOptions options) in UnitOfWorkInterceptor.cs
Castle.Proxies.IRepository`2Proxy_2.FirstOrDefaultAsync(long id)
Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserStore<TRole, TUser>.FindByIdAsync(string userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in AbpUserStore.cs

Yes. i am happy to do so. As it will be the stripped down project of the ongoing development, can I send it to you as a PM?

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