It is better to check Logs.txt file under your web project. If you want to show this error to user, you need to disable <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"> and enable <customErrors mode="On">.
We are currently working on paid version of ASP.NET Core and Angular2 and it's almost finised. After finishing that, we will start to prepare a free version of it but currently we dont have an estimated date.
I will let you know when it is clear.
ToUserIdentifier method is defined here <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero/blob/09cb578f09ee0318b479aa31dd0ceff56a5d218d/src/Abp.Zero/Authorization/Users/AbpUserBase.cs#L56">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/mo ... ase.cs#L56</a>.
It is in the module zero library.
You are right, it might be hard to upgrae from 0.8 to 1.0. But I suggest you to do it if you have time for it. We can help if you face some other problems.
Current version of ABP supports both single DB, multiple DB and hybrid DBs. You can store, lets say Tenant A and Tenant B's data in one database and Tenant C in another database.
Lastly, can you share your modified user class ? You might not be able to use ToUserIdentifier if you have changed Id field of User class.
You cannot run it on Linux because currently it uses Full .Net Framework, not .NET Core. It uses ASP.NET Core but not uses .NET Core, those are different.
Let's continue here #2178
You can create a new instance using Resolve<YourAbpSession> and set the property value according to your needs before running your tests.
If the value of this property is same for all tests, you can do it in the AppTestBase's constructor.
According to error message your making a GET reuqest. You should make a POST request.
How do you call this GetAllPermissionList from client side ?
Can you check the value of customErrors in your web.config. It should be On.
You can use DB per tenant architecture with ABP and AspNet Zero right now. Which version of ABP and AspNet Zero do you use ?
Email system writes messages to log file if you are working in Debug mode. You need to try it in Releaase mode if you want to receive emails.