Have you seen this sample ? <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate-samples/tree/master/AbpEfConsoleApp">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... ConsoleApp</a>
You cannot access it on AbpSession but you can create your own version like AbpSession and access it over your version. You can do it like in MyAppSession here <a class="postlink" href="https://gist.github.com/hikalkan/67469e05475c2d18cb88">https://gist.github.com/hikalkan/67469e05475c2d18cb88</a>
You are right, when developing a single tenant application some concepts are meaningless like EditionManager, Edition, TenantManager etc...
You can delete multi tenancy related stuff including some of unit tests.
If you dont delete those classes, in the future you can easyly convert your app to a multi tenant application. It is up to you :).
By the way, I haven't tried this before, so there might be some unexpected errors. We can help if you face any problems while deleting those things.
Can you try to add CompanyId and AddressId to CompanyAddress entity as well ?
You are invited on github. Now, you should be able to see that repository.
You should be able to see this link with your github user joehoeller. Is that your github username ? If not please share your github username with us.
Do you want to do this on new tenant registeration ? Currently you can create seperate databases for any tenant you like by giving a connection string.
This is possilbe bot not easy :), we are currently doing this for our angular2 version. You can download ASP.NET Core version from our website and take a look at it's structure.
This might not be easy for doing your existing project, but we can help you on the way if you face problems.
This is not an easy job I think. I dont know if there are some tools do this but you can check for that first.
If you cannot find something like that, you can do it in a few steps like this. 1 ) Create a second DB for backup. 2 ) Apply migrations to it. 3 ) Disable Identity AutoIncrements and Foreign Keys manually. 3 ) Use SQL's data export for exporting tenant's data to your new DB. Here you can use a query to select data from necessary tables. 4) Enable Identity AutoIncrements and Foreign Keys manually.
I'm not an expert on Databases, maybe someone else can offer you a better solution.
You can switch to given tenant's context and get the admin user using a repository or usermanager. To do that, you can use something like this.
using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(input.id)) { var adminUser = UserManager.FindByNameAsync(User.AdminUserName); }
A tenant can have more than one user and users of a tenant can be stored in a seperate database from tenant itself. Because of these two reasons there is no navigation property.