Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


AspNet Zero is build with Entity Framework, so it does not have a ready to use NHibernate version. You can change it manually if you want because ABP Framework supports NHibernate but I Don't know how hard it will be to move from EF to NH.


What you have done seems correct. Do you get an error on server side ? If so, there must be error details in Logs.txt file under your web project.

If you are unable to post your data from client side to server side, do you have a javascript error ? You can check browser's developer console.

If you dont have any javascript error, can you share your SurnamePrefix input's html code ?



If a tenant has a seperate database, you can use CreateOrMigrateForTenant but if you store tenant's data in host database then you should use CreateOrMigrateForHost.

You can check MultiTenantMigrateExecuter class in the Migrator tool.

Basically first run CreateOrMigrateForHost once. Then run CreateOrMigrateForTenant for each tenant who has ConnectionString set.



After filling those settings in web.config, an icon must appear in the login page. Do you try to login by clicking that icon ?



You can create new roles and grant permissions after creation of roles using AbpRoleManager class. You can check it here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... Manager.cs</a>


Please see this document <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>. You can apply same for Tenant entity.


This problem should be solved with this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1595</a>. Can you try it after the release of ABP v1.1 ?

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing your solution :)


Can you try to run your app with a different browser ? And see if the same error happens again.


It depends how do you want to see the url. For example you can use it like this.

url: 'companies/:companyId/:userId'
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