Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


Do you login to app as host user or tenant user ?



You need to do it like an external login. When external login succeeds, create a user and insert a record to AbpUserLogins table with the Id of newly created user.



Notifications are sent to subscribed users mostly. How do you login from WPF application. Maybe that is related why you dont get notificaitons.

Can you try to implement this scenario with a simple "Hello world" message broadcasting hub ? In that case we will be sure it's not related to user id.


What you have done is correct, but "Empty or invalid anti forgery header token." is another problem. Can you add "DisableAbpAntiForgeryTokenValidation" attribute to Controller you want to redirect user.This is for just skipping this exception for now.

If this works, we can take a look at anti forgery exception later on.


Can you check that in your AppService, the Roles property of your input is null or an empty list ?


After applying codes for this issue <a class="postlink" href=""></a>, Migration problem is not happening for me anymore. Can you check that ?


I have tried with your DbContexes and tests worked. But I just removed configurations for TenantDbContext (DepartmentConfiguration and EnrollmentConfiguration).

Can you send the full project via email if it is not a problem ? In that way, we can help more quickly.



It's related to z-index of modal dialog and ui-autocomplete classes. Just give a z-index bigger than 10050 to ul.ui-autocomplete and it should work in modals as well.


I think the only way is using a repository of IRepository<TenantNotificationInfo, Guid> and filter records by EntityTypeName field. IS that works for you ?


We didn't test AspNet Zero with IE8. I think SPA side is not good for IE8 usage. Because AngularJS dropped support for IE8 from version 1.3 and above <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.

It might work with IE8 but you have to test it. We can try to help if you face some issues.

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