Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


Inject INotificationStore into your AppNotifier. Then you can use


method to check if a user is subscribed to a specific notification.

This interface has some other methods you might find useful for your case.



Can you share your github username ? Because metronic theme is in private github repository and I have to invite you before you download metronic theme.



Which version of ABP do you use ? Did you make an nuget package upgrade recently or this just started to happen ?

Also, can you share the full exception stacktrace if possible ?


1 ) Why don't you create another Entity for public users, for example PublicUser ? Do you need to check some permissions for public users ?

2 ) You can create an angular app similar to one defined in app.js. Just copy it, change name from "app" to something else. Remove unnecessary lines. Use it in the html file of public page like

<html lang="en" data-ng-app="publicApp"

of course you need to include angular.js and other angular javascript files you will be using in your new public angular app into public html page.

Can you share the stacktrace of this exception ?

Can you share user update method of UserAppService including method name and method input ?


You can inject IUnitOfWorkManager in UserStore, then use UnitOfWorkManager.Begin method: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... orkmanager</a> _unitOfWorkManager.Begin() accepts TransactionScope and you can set it to Suppress.

So, inside the using statement, you will use a new non-transactional uow.


AspNetZero solution contains two version of same application. One is single page, other is multi page. Multi page application is under Mpa area.

By default Account controller redirects you to single page application.

If you want to redirect users to multi page version by default, you need to change some part of account controller.

For example change this

return Redirect(Url.Action("Index", "Application"));


return Redirect(Url.Action("Index", "Home", new {area="Mpa"}));

or change this

returnUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Application");


returnUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new {area="Mpa"})

I hope this helps.


Where do you use IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync method of your UserStore ?


You can create a complex type to keep same data as DbGeography, but in that case you need to replace the functionality as well, like Distance method in your example. I think that will be much harder.

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