You should update Abp.* nuget packages by command (by package manager). For new Features of AspNet Zero, you need to manually merge them into your solution.
How do you want to use User table's data ? User entity is alredy included in DbContet.
You can get users by UserManager class.
Please check this issue <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/1209">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... ssues/1209</a>
Yes, that is right.
First of all, I offer you not to use entities in Dto's. Create Dtos for Widget and DashboardModuleUser (I assume this is an entity as well) and use them in DashboardDto.
When you get Dashboard data from database, also include Widgets and include WidgetTemplates in your LinQ query, then map it to DashboardDto.
What was the previous version before v0.10.0.2 you were using ?
In your case, another option would be AddTypeList method of PlugInSources,
Try this in your ApplicationStart of global.asax just before Log4Net configuration,
you should also include Abp.PlugIns namespace for extension method,
hope this helps,
You can use other metronic admin 6 as well. There will not be huge changes actually.
We tried to explain it in a metronic forum post here <a class="postlink" href="http://keenthemes.com/forums/topic/aspnetzero-starter-kit-for-your-next-net-web-application-based-on-metronic/">http://keenthemes.com/forums/topic/aspn ... -metronic/</a>
Please let us know if you have any problem migrating to admin 6.
Our SPA template is angular 1.x for now but you can use any SPA framework with aspnetboilerplate. We dont have an example for angular2 right now, you can easily search and find on the internet for how to make angular2 ajax calls.
It's 26 July actually. We are hardly trying to finish issues for that date :)