Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"



You derive your DTO from FullAuditedEntityDto. Because of that, properties you marked with red are added to json result. You should derive your Salelistdto from EntityDto in order not to send those properties to client.

If you also dont want to send TenantId to client, you can remove it from your dto.

If you want to send TenantId to client, can you share Salemast dto? So we can try to understand problem better.


You can find tutorial for extending entities here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>. For the example Edition entity is used :)

I hope this helps.



I assume that this method is in an application service. If it is, you should not return your Entity to client. Instead you should use a dto object like PatientBodyImageDto.

An example update might be like:

public async Task<PatientBodyImageDto> PostSetPatientBodyImageStateAsync(IdInput input)
    PatientBodyImage patientBodyImage = await _patientBodyImageRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);

    Logger.Debug("Setting a new image state async: " + input.Name);
    patientBodyImage.State = PatientBodyImageStates.Approved;
    var update = await _patientBodyImageRepository.UpdateAsync(patientBodyImage);

    return update.MapTo<PatientBodyImageDto>();

You have to create PatientBodyImageDto class and put an attribute on it for AutoMapping.


I hope this helps.



You can download module zero template here <a class="postlink" href=""></a> Ensure that the checkbox at 3. step is checked.


Today we are going to add a tutorial about extending Entities in ASP.NET Zero website. We will inform you when it is published.


Can you get the result of ChangePasswordAsync method and see if there is an error ?

var result = await _userManager.ChangePasswordAsync(1, "123qwe","blabla");


You can access the latest metronic theme here <a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a>.

If you want and older version of metronic, please take a look at ASP.NET Zero relases under github <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.


This is the right way actually. Can you get the return value of this method and see if there is an error message ?

var result = await _userManager.ChangePasswordAsync(1, "123qwe", "blabla");


I think this problem is not related to ui-jq. I have tried your syntax and it worked for me.

ng-options="languageName.value as languageName.displayText + ' | '+  languageName.value for languageName in vm.languageNames"

It might be a browser caching problem. Can you check that ?


Yes it is possible. You can define another ViewBase for your MainApp like.

public abstract class MainAppWebViewPageBase<TModel> : AbpWebViewPage<TModel>
    protected AbpZeroTemplateWebViewPageBase()
        LocalizationSourceName = "MainApp"

Then you can configure it in the web.config file under "/App/MainApp" directory like (Add if it does not exist)

    <pages pageBaseType="MainAppWebViewPageBase">

Then it should work like you expected.

I hope this helps.

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