Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "janhu"


I Added CompanyDbContext to my project new to OriginalDbContex created by the template. I also regisetered it at OriginalEntityFrameworkCoreModule. It looks like this:

Configuration.Modules.AbpEfCore().AddDbContext<CompanyDbContext>(options =>
                    if (options.ExistingConnection != null)
                        CompanyDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ExistingConnection);
                        CompanyDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ConnectionString);

The problem is that the


parameter always contains default connecion string... I tried to register it at startup.cs which did not work either.

                var connectionString=_appConfiguration["ConnectionStrings:CS_Test"];

Can you help me to obtain the CS_Test parameter please?

I also implemented IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<CompanyDbContext> the same as the OriginalFbContext has. But the comment above it says

/* This class is needed to run "dotnet ef ..." commands from command line on development. Not used anywhere else */

Where is the problem then?

Thank you.

Thanks, thats it


when backend throws an error, view shows this window

How can I access this window using frontend(angular 2.0) ?


Thanks, for advice!

I haven't noticed that there is an Account module. That was exactly what I needed.


how can I build front-end view that does not require user to log-in and doesn't have admin part just like demo application works. I couldn't find any approach and I believe that this will be super easy thing I just missed.

Showing 11 to 15 of 15 entries