while downloading from below link, i got error states that
https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... EfCoreDemo.
"MultipleDbContextEfCoreDemo.EntityFrameworkCore(load failed)"
Unable to find project information for 'E:\aspnetboilerplate-samples-master (1)\aspnetboilerplate-samples-master\MultipleDbContextEfCoreDemo\src\MultipleDbContextEfCoreDemo.EntityFrameworkCore\MultipleDbContextEfCoreDemo.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj'. Inside Visual Studio, this may be because the project is unloaded or not part of current solution. Otherwise the project file may be invalid or missing targets required for restore.
Could you please resolve this issue.
Hi @ismcagdas Where can we remove ui-date-format attribute?
You already implememted date functionality in tenant. While you editing the tenant, you are showing proper format in SubscriptionEndDateUtc field. We just used the same code. But it shows wrong date or invalid date. Did you remove the ui-date-format attribute for this field that you have in tenant form.
Html: <input id="CreateDateUtc" type="datetime" #CreateDateUtc name="CreateDateUtc" class="form-control"
Ts: if (this.organization.creatioN_TIME) { (this.createDateUtc.nativeElement as any).value = this.organization.creatioN_TIME.format('L'); }
I hav used it in ngOnInit
ngAfterViewInit(): void { debugger if (this.organization.creatioN_TIME) { debugger (this.createDate.nativeElement as any).value = this.organization.creatioN_TIME.format('L'); }
Getting error, Type string is not assignable to type date
In ts file,
@ViewChild('createDate') createDate: ElementRef; @ViewChild('Expirydate') Expirydate: ElementRef;
In Html file,
<input id="createDate" type="datetime" #createDate [ngClass]="{'edited':organization.creatioN_TIME}"
name="createDate" class="form-control" bsDatepicker [(ngModel)]="organization.creatioN_TIME" autocomplete="off">
creationTime Result: Tue Mar 26 2019 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Mailed you the details
Tried. Still have same issue.