Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kalidarscope"


I seen the Appearance tab in the demo application in the setting.

After we purchased and installed its not apperaing in the setting.

I would to like to change the ports of 4200(angular) and 22742(swagger). Is it possible to change? if it is possible, then which file i have to change?




Angular keed on uninstalling out need guidance.

Thanks Ponvel

yes but still it in same state seeing same error

ERROR in src/app/main/Phonebook/Phonebook.component.ts(4,10): error TS2724: Module '"C:/Project/ASAP/src/ASAP.Web.Host/src/shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'PersonServiceProxy'. Did you mean 'SessionServiceProxy'?

We have started the bat file to generate the service proxy. But the service proxy is not re-generated. why isn't generated the file?

I have done all the steps they have mentioned in the following link. ""

But i have changed the table names and variable only. Everything is mapped correctly based on document.

public ListResultDto<SectionsListDto> GetSections(GetSectionsInput input)
            var sections = _sectionRepository
                    p => p.rec_id.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                    p.s_text.Contains(input.Filter) ||
                .OrderBy(p => p.rec_id)
                .ThenBy(p => p.s_text)

            return new ListResultDto<SectionsListDto>(ObjectMapper.Map<List<SectionsListDto>>(sections));

Mark the breakpoint in VS in above method. But didn't get any data from database.

Getting empty result. But i have 2 records in database. Tested the connection string also. Everything is fine.

I am getting 1 in AbpSession.TenantId.

I am getting above details in the records.

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