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You can also refer to the project we shared earlier in that version it was working fine.
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Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.
Project Build Very Slow it is taking more than 30 Mins. in building the project
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For all get all pages on enter key press the datatable refresh showing loading text. Sometimes when accidently enter key gets pressed for some time it sends unlimited requests to server and which casuses performance issues Is there any fix which can bar user on enter key press it will send request to server only once.
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We are getting following error while building the project
Please help
We have also observed While we are filling 5 drop downs from Controller it takes 15% cpu but if we are filling the 5 drop downs through ajax using jquery it goes to 100%.
Regards, Harshit
Hi @ismcagdas
Please find the code below: ##############################
As it is production issue its very critical as client is facing the same from past few days and we need to solve this ASAP. We can also connect for a remote session where we can help you understand the issue as we have already tried to debug the same from so many days
Regards, Harshit