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Activities of "khaled"

Actually, I want to tell you that it works in every class :D. Many thanks Halil.

Yes, It is NullLogger, but WHY :o ? I tried calling the Logger directly after resolving in DemoApplicationModule.cs and it works:

var someObj = IocManager.Resolve<SomeClass>(); 
someObj.Logger.Info("Testing...");//it works here
someObj.SomeMethod();//this logs also...

Ok, How about Logging :), Am I missing something?

All code at somemethod() executed normally except logging and if I call logger inside someAppService it works and i can see the loggs.

one another question, How can I implement custom action filters on someAppService like apbAuthorize ?

Hi Halil, thanks for reply. I call somemethod from my app services:

public class someAppService : ApplicationService, ISomeAppService
               private readonly SomeController _someController;
               public Task SomeAction()
                       // ............


why Logger does not log when use it with classes other than app service classes, can any one tell me where is the error here:

public class SomeClass : ITransientDependency
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

        public SomeClass ()
            Logger = NullLogger.Instance;

        internal async Task SomeMethod()
            //log message does not work

    public class DemoApplicationModule : AbpModule
        public override void Initialize()

Can I have a sample of how to enable and disable AbpAuthorzie attribute based on AbpFeature is enabled or not.

Thanks for you gentle help.

Now, I Have my custom two SPAs as: ~/Areas/Main/... ~/Areas/SecSpa/... one another question for you kind experience :) How can I use some shared cshtml views and their js controllers in both two SPAs? I am thinking, should I create shared folder like : ~/Areas/shared/views and put all shared cshtml and js files in or what do you think?

Many thanks, Khaled

Thanks for your reply, I have copied the main folder as your guidance and surely I have got two SPAs, and I cannot figure out how to access second menu navigation provider at client side: = abp.nav.menus.MainMenu;//how to access second navigation provider i have created.

Thanks, Khaled

HI, I am beginner in ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework. I need to build web application with two SPA Areas one for public and other to authenticate throw ADFS, The two SPA areas should consume some shared application services but different navigation menus, how can I configure your template to build this.

Thanks in advance, Khaled

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