Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "khaled"

Actually, I want to tell you that it works in every class :D. Many thanks Halil.

Yes, It is NullLogger, but WHY :o ? I tried calling the Logger directly after resolving in DemoApplicationModule.cs and it works:

var someObj = IocManager.Resolve<SomeClass>(); 
someObj.Logger.Info("Testing...");//it works here
someObj.SomeMethod();//this logs also...

Ok, How about Logging :), Am I missing something?

All code at somemethod() executed normally except logging and if I call logger inside someAppService it works and i can see the loggs.

one another question, How can I implement custom action filters on someAppService like apbAuthorize ?

Hi Halil, thanks for reply. I call somemethod from my app services:

public class someAppService : ApplicationService, ISomeAppService
               private readonly SomeController _someController;
               public Task SomeAction()
                       // ............

Thanks for you gentle help.

Now, I Have my custom two SPAs as: ~/Areas/Main/... ~/Areas/SecSpa/... one another question for you kind experience :) How can I use some shared cshtml views and their js controllers in both two SPAs? I am thinking, should I create shared folder like : ~/Areas/shared/views and put all shared cshtml and js files in or what do you think?

Many thanks, Khaled

Thanks for your reply, I have copied the main folder as your guidance and surely I have got two SPAs, and I cannot figure out how to access second menu navigation provider at client side: = abp.nav.menus.MainMenu;//how to access second navigation provider i have created.

Thanks, Khaled

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