Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kpmg"


thank you for the information.

The link is not valid, and i did not find the issue in the git repo.


is there any plan on adding GSuite SAML2 authentication, or can i use an existing one?

Also we would like to configure the supported authentication processes per tenant and not for all tenants, is there any plan of integrating a feature like this.

Thanks and best regards

In Startup.cs in Web.Host project add



services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
                options.Filters.Add(new AbpAutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());

Start backend. TokenAuth Api should now be generated. Refresh services proxies.

Yes, this is an Angular application. I've sent you the logs so you have a better understanding from what is happening.

There are some CORS issues in these logs, but we were able to resolve them.

@maliming We have some of those labels in our application and I have replaced them now with proper ones. If this helps I will inform you.

@hikalkan It takes about 240 seconds until we get the HTTP 500. If we increase the timeout, the HTTP error gets delayed too

Hi there,

we are experiencing strange behavior of our application in an Azure Environment. At first the application is working as intended. Any request gets to the point where AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll is pending until a HTTP 500 error is returned.

The developer console shows the following (sensible information blurred):

We have already checked the logs, but there are no ERRORS/FATALS and all the INFO/DEBUG entries are looking good. I won't upload the logs here since they contain sensible information. If necessary I am willing to mail them.

Also we are unable to reproduce this error locally, it seems to be an Azure problem.

We are using Boilerplate version 4.5.0 and Zero version 6.9.1.

I hope you can help out with that problem and if you need more information please let me know.

Best regards

Hi guys,

i have a problem while i have deployed an instance of ASP.Net Zero to Azure with the following priciples: Framework version 6.9.1 .Net Core Angular SPA UI endpoint: Backend endpoint:

Already did the ng build --prod --base-href "/app/" worked fine (<base href="/app/"> is set).

When i now hit the application (nearly) everything will be loaded perfectly without a couple of static files (see screenshot). The ui-sub directory "/app/" is missing in the URL identitfier, but why is it missing in only a few resources? The resources are available and accessable. The app is not hosted in a virtual dir as i know, that .Net Core does not support virtual dirs.

Does anyone have a hint for me?

Kind regards Michael

Hi ASP.NET Zero team,

i am searching for a good approach - maybe something which is already implemented in some way - to control the access for users per entity. For example i have a custom entity "Company" and i want to assign users to allow working with that entity. Typical stuff like hiding in views, CRUD etc.

Is there something pre-build which i can re-use instead of reinventing the wheel?

Case is for example: 15 companies available. A user is authorized for a sub amount of them (i.e. 3). All the other entities should be hidden. The permissions/features are more - as i see them - to deactivate the entire area for companies, not a specific sub-amount of them.

Kind regards Michael

I undid the changes from my last post and adjusted the TenantCustomizationController.cs

public async Task GetCustomCss(int? tenantId)

var tenant = await _tenantManager.GetByIdAsync(AbpSession.GetTenantId());
if (tenantId.HasValue)
tenant = await _tenantManager.GetByIdAsync(tenantId.Value);
if (!tenant.CustomCssId.HasValue)
return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(tenantId.Value))
var cssFileObject = await _binaryObjectManager.GetOrNullAsync(tenant.CustomCssId.Value);
if (cssFileObject == null)
return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return File(cssFileObject.Bytes, MimeTypeNames.TextCss);


and the calling URLS in root.module.ts, tenant-settings.component.html and tenant-settings.component.ts


tenantCustomCss.setAttribute('href', AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/TenantCustomization/GetCustomCss?tenantId=' +;

Now it seems to work.

I finally found the solution! This article here brought me to the right point.

In the angular project in the file root.module.ts I deleted the four lines (I set a comment in the example) and it worked:

`function initializeTenantResources(injector: Injector) { let appSessionService: AppSessionService = injector.get(AppSessionService);

if (appSessionService.tenant && appSessionService.tenant.customCssId) {
        DomHelper.createElement('link', [
                key: 'id',
                value: 'TenantCustomCss'
            // { 
            //     key: 'rel',
            //     value: 'stylesheet'
            // },
                key: 'href',
                value: AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/TenantCustomization/GetCustomCss?tenantId=' +

okay fine, but what is the solution and whats about the second error? In the linked post is no solution for these errors described (also not on the github page)

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