Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "liaofeng"


I according to your document,Set permissions for the module use SetPermissions method, but I didn't see the record in my database, is not the right to be divided into static and dynamic? How does the AbpPermissiontable work ? I hope you can explain it, thank you !


sorry ! nowly, I see.


CreateTaskInput as shown below


I set Tasks table primary key : char(32) , Write this code : _taskAppService.CreateTask(new CreateTaskInput { AssignedPersonId=Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-",""),Description="任务"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") });

Exceptions such as an attachment

hello, I saw the two examples you provided,I think ,it is still relatively simple, but also can not be fully reflected in the ABP framework to reflect the integrity of the full. This will also put a lot of beginners out,because some beginners, when the beginning of the use of how to use, and then gradually used in the project,however, the sample provided for beginners is relatively simple. I hope you can think about it,Thank you !

hello , I want to use it in domain environment , and use LDAP authentication . Whether it has been supported ? Can provide a sample ?

for mysql,I made some attempts, but I failed, and I couldn't connect to the database successfully base on ef or nhibernet. by viewing the abp document, it should be supported by the multi database,Do I use the MySQL or Oracle Database ? In addition to the server SQL, for other databases, what attention points, please say it in detail,thank you very much !

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