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Activities of "limingjun2018"

Sorry,this problem still exists. Just now, I used v1.7.2.3 and v6.6.1, the path of the solution had special characters(e.g., space, &),the above phenomenon appeared again.

Thank you for your reply.

After much effort, I thought I found the real reason. The problem was due to that the directory path of the "aspnet-core/AspNetZeroRadTool/" had special characters (e.g., space character, &). If deleting the special characters, everything will work normally.

Is this a problem or just by design?

Thank you for reply.

Today I updated rad power tool to and used it in angular / angular-merged v6.6.0 projects. After clicking the button "Generate", no console window was shown and no entity was added to the *.Core project.

However, I had a new discovery. After Clicking Tool(T) -> Asp.Net Zero -> Re-generate an Entity, a dialog "pick an entity" was opened. Clicking the dropdown list, then the former entities I tried to generate but failed generating were shown in the dropdown list.

I compared the files in "aspnet-core/AspNetZeroRadTool/" folders in v6.5.0 and v6.6.0 solutions. There is no difference.

Could you open the video?

Sorry, I couldn't give you a screenshot because no console window was opened and nothing happened. Fortunately, I could give you a video to show the details as the following URL.

the video of the problem

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