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Activities of "limingjun2018"

hi, I download aspnetzero core & jQuery 7.0, and firstly logined in Google Chrome as follows:

after inputed admin, 123qwe, the page din't skip to admin page, but showed the json result as follows:

The problem is as follows. How can it happen? Does it show the instability of ASP.NET ZERO framework? How to solve it?

appended: As you suggested, I delete the node_modules directory yarn.lock or package-lock.json and try again, and resulted in as follows:

appended: Therefore, I run "npm install -g npm ", "npm install -g yarn" and "npm install -g node-sass",all OK.

Then, re-run "yarn", the error was still there

disable MultiTenancy, delete the database created by powershell cmd "Update-Database", and then run migrator, resulted in the following error

However, if enable multitenancy, then run migrator, everything goes OK

  1. I started the fully new solution, everything was OK. The browser opened http://localhost:22742/swagger/index.html.
  2. Clicked the button "Authorize", logined successfully, and the button changed into "Logout".
  3. Used the RAD Tool to generate some entities, some errors happened. so I deleted the whole solution from the disk and deleted the database . but I didn't closed the browser.
  4. Unzipped the solution archive again and repeat 1), the browser opened a new page of http://localhost:22742/swagger/index.html. Jokely, the new page showed a button "Logout" without any login action. When clicked this button, there was no response.

First, I generated an entity "Country" successfully.

But then I found its menu position was wrongly set to "Root", so I decided to change it from "Root" to "Administrator".

Therefore, I re-generate this entity, but it build failed.

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