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Activities of "m.aliozkaya"


gulpfile.js file should be here. If it does not contain you can find it from


Hi @sociomed,

I created an issue for it. You can follow the progress.

If you want to manually fix it

Hi @SnapAPdotNet,

To enable users to log in independently of tenants, each user should have a unique identifier. If the username tables contain unique content, you can set them to be used for logging in. Otherwise, you would need to update the email addresses.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

Hi @pdehealth1,

I couldn't reproduce the issue. Could you give me the steps for reproducing it?


Hi @abarref,

We have plans to upgrade to Angular 16 in our upcoming milestones.


We will try to find a good solution for it asap.

Hi @XugoWebTeam,

Could you check this article? I think this attribute can solve your problem

Hi @XugoWebTeam,

The following snippet may help solve your problem. If the problem persists, let us know.

public class UserManagerTests : AppTestBase
    private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
    private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
    public UserManagerTests()
        _userRepository = Resolve<IUserRepository>();
        _unitOfWorkManager = Resolve<IUnitOfWorkManager>();
    public async Task Should_Get_Active_Users()
        // Arrange
        var users = await _userRepository.InsertAsync(new User()
            UserName = "test", IsActive = true, TenantId = 1, Name = "john", Surname = "smith",
            EmailAddress = "[email protected]", Password = "test", NormalizedUserName = "john",
            NormalizedEmailAddress = "[email protected]"
        using var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin();
        var activeUsers = await _userRepository.GetAll()
            .Where(u => u.IsActive)
            .Select(u => u.Id)
        // var activeUsers = _userRepository.GetAll()
        //     .Where(u => u.IsActive)
        //     .Select(u => u.Id)
        //     .ToListAsync();
        // await activeUsers.ShouldNotBeNull();

Hi @XugoWebTeam,

I think this problem is related to the unit of work. You can use the following code for testing

await UsingDbContextAsync(async context =>
    var activeUsers = await context.Users
        .Where(u => u.IsActive)
        .Select(u => u.Id)


Hi @murphymj5209,

For now, you can review this solution; it will be fixed in version 12.2.1.

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