Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mahendra"



I am facing the same issue. My ABP Version is 2.0.2, but no luck. The same issue persists while creating a new tenant.

Regards, Mahendra


Anyone has any hint. What I might be doing wrong. To provide more information, I am using Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server 2014 and my server is localhost.

Regards, Mahendra



I am new to ABP. I just created a project using MVC and Entity Framework. Once the project downloaded from ABP Website, I changed the Web.Config file for the connection string and ran the update-database command in package manager console. The database got created successfully.

Now when I tried to create a tenant and provided the connection string, after hitting the submit button, it throws internal error. When I debug the code, I found that in the TenantAppService class , in the CreateTenant method, it throws the error at _abpZeroDbMigrator.CreateOrMigrateForTenant(tenant); line of code.

Can anyone please help me.

Regards, Mahendra

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