Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "maliming"

Can I use teamviewer to see it remotely? If you can, please send the teamviewer id and password to: [email protected]

I have tried several times and can't see what you said. Can you record your browser window using GitCam( and upload it?

You can consider moving the component asap-sso to the Account module or adding the following special judgment.

if (state != null) {
            if (_.includes(state.url, 'asap-sso')) {
                // Do not navigate.
                //this._router.navigate(['app/main/asap-sso', 66]);
               return true;
canActivateInternal(data: Data, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        if (state != null) {
            if (_.includes(state.url, 'asap-sso')) {
                //this._router.navigate(['app/main/asap-sso', 66]);
               return true;

        if (UrlHelper.isInstallUrl(location.href)) {
            return true;

        if (!this._sessionService.user) {
            return false;

        if (!data || !data['permission']) {
            return true;

        if (this._permissionChecker.isGranted(data['permission'])) {
            return true;

        return false;

Can you share some screenshots to explain the problem?

What is your XXXWebHostModule.cs file code?


Does the browser's console have warnings or error messages?

Can you share screenshots and explain how to reproduce this problem?

You can refer to:

Can this article solve your problem?

Try modifying /account/login to /app/main/asap-sso

Showing 2451 to 2460 of 3029 entries