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Activities of "malomatia"

i'm having same issue as well, can you add me ?

my username is : AhmedAdlyAli


the application was running correctly, and suddenly it started to redirect only to "/" when clicking on any menu item, including the admin menu (role, users,..) im logged in with "admin"

any clue ?

update: when i type another module URL in the browser, for example: /app/main/cases this module opens and admin modules are accessible, the dashboard module is accessible without changing the URL

when accessing <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:4200/">http://localhost:4200/</a> it opens the dashboard and i'm unable to go to any item (when clicking on the menu items it redirect to the item then quickly go back to / and the dashboard only opens)

Solved, there were a problem with one of the Jquery components and error were in the console.

i have created angular 2 core project, and created a new NG2 component, i'm trying to include one of metronic jquery components in the NG2 component with no luck, i have done the following:

  • added the component through npm: npm install easy-pie-chart --save
  • in the component.ts added: import * as $ from 'jquery'; import 'easy-pie-chart';
  • inside ngAfterViewInit added: $('.easy-pie-chart .number.transactions').easyPieChart({ animate: 1000, size: 75, lineWidth: 3, barColor: App.getBrandColor('yellow') });

im getting many errors and unable to complete it at all, please help

after adding "declare var $: any" to the .ts file to bypass typescript, i'm getting the below error:

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... e.JPG?dl=0</a>

please help

Yes, i have added it under "scripts": section like this:


and still getting the same error.

please help.

is there a some guide how to include metronic components (since most of it is based on jquery) or any jquery components in general in aspnet zero client project ? i see there is many coomponents are already used like jTable but can't find out the steps to do that.

problem solved after killing the NG process in terminal and running npm start again.

Thank you very much, however there are some questions arised now:

  • is it required to use "declare var $: any" or no ? i noticed after commenting it the application still works, even TS is compiling normally

  • adding the file manually to .angular-cli.json is the way when the plugin is not available on NPM catalog, right ?

Thank you again, your support is highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot (Y)

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