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Activities of "malomatia"

hi we need to make specific angular component available for public without login , for example having /app/custom/my-component does'nt require login, while the rest of the application requires login.

is there a straight forward way to do this ?

Thank You !

Dears, How to create a user from the .net code and assign him specific roles ?

Thank you !

I want to get the current information for the logged in user from an angular component:

  • The OUs he is part of
  • the Roles he has

i found : this._userService.getUserForEdit(this.appSession.userId).subscribe(result => { console.log(result);

but when i use it with non admin user, it gives the below response:

code : 0 details : null message : "[At least one of these permissions must be granted]" validationErrors : null

this is exactly what i was looking for, Thank you.

one last question, what about get current user session, i don't remember the exact name but i remember there is something like that to check the current user session

in other words will the external authentication work fine if the users store is totally external and no users saved in the SQL DB ?

Thank you very much, Now if i change this method to login via web service, What about GetCurrentSession ? is it in the same DLL ? and is there a way to implement it the same way as the active directory authentication ?

I need to know how to change the authentication provider (users store) from SQL Server to custom Web Service, i tried to follow the code and reached to the method GetLoginResultAsync under TokenAuthController which calls _logInManager.LoginAsync which leads to AbpLogInManager class , however couldn't follow to AbpLogInManager class as it's referenced as DLL only.

can you please provide bullet points to change the authentication provider ? including get current session method which checks the user in the SQL database as well.

Best, Ahmed

Thanks a lot (Y)

problem solved after killing the NG process in terminal and running npm start again.

Thank you very much, however there are some questions arised now:

  • is it required to use "declare var $: any" or no ? i noticed after commenting it the application still works, even TS is compiling normally

  • adding the file manually to .angular-cli.json is the way when the plugin is not available on NPM catalog, right ?

Thank you again, your support is highly appreciated.

is there a some guide how to include metronic components (since most of it is based on jquery) or any jquery components in general in aspnet zero client project ? i see there is many coomponents are already used like jTable but can't find out the steps to do that.

Yes, i have added it under "scripts": section like this:


and still getting the same error.

please help.

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