Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "marcosli"

Hi Halil,

I found out that there is a circular dependency exception, look below:

WARN 2016-04-04 12:41:48,339 [56 ] Default - Exception when resolving optional dependency Dependency 'FeatureValueStore' type 'Abp.Application.Features.IFeatureValueStore' on component Abp.Application.Features.FeatureChecker. Castle.MicroKernel.CircularDependencyException: Dependency cycle has been detected when trying to resolve component 'EZ.EZControl.Authorization.Users.UserManager'. The resolution tree that resulted in the cycle is the following: Component 'EZ.EZControl.Authorization.Users.UserManager' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.MultiTenancy.Demo.TenantDemoDataBuilder' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.MultiTenancy.TenantManager' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.Editions.FeatureValueStore' resolved as dependency of component 'Abp.Application.Features.FeatureChecker' resolved as dependency of component 'Abp.Application.Features.FeatureDependencyContext' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.Authorization.Users.UserManager' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.Authorization.PermissionChecker' resolved as dependency of component 'EZ.EZControl.Web.Controllers.ApplicationController' which is the root component being resolved.

Here is the complete log file:


Is this a known issue?


Thank you Halil!

Hi Halil,

In the next version of AutoMapper is not going be based on static class/methods anymore.

Take a look at: [])

In version 4.2.1 of AutoMapper, the Mapper.CreateMap method is already obsolete.

Do you have plans to update that? This is going to be break change on MapTo() extension method, i guess.


I'll try to create a sample to demonstrate that problem

Thanks Halil

Hi Halil,

I've removed those files from the Web application. Are they necessary? If not, could be them be removed in the next release?




My application is SPA and I'm having problems with minification when deploying to Azure. Angular cant resolve dependency injection because the names are changed. So i tried to explicitly Inject Dependencies or using an inline annotation, just like is said in that page []) but didnĀ“t work for me.

For the moment, i'm clearing the transformation by doing this in the Bundles:

        foreach (var item in bundles)

Anyone is have this problem when deploying to Azure?

If you are using IIS you need to install URL Rewrite and make some modifications on the web.config.

I followed this []) but is still not working.

If you find a solution, could you post it here?


Thank you so much! The support from Metronic already have answered and fixed that problem.

I took a look on the styles that are applied on the element. In such case is a button with the .btn class. That .btn exists in the bootstrap and material design. I figured out that metronic demo <a class="postlink" href=""> ... strap.html</a> doesn't load the components-md.css, so will not have a conflict between them. Here are are pictures showing this:

  1. Working with bootstrap classes

  2. Working with material design classes

  3. In the metronic demo that page doesnt load the material design css


I've been trying to use the <a class="postlink" href=""></a> but the application loads two css files: components-md.css and bootstrap.css. And those have classes that will be conflicting with each other, making the style of datepicker not been renderized as should be. Is there a solution in that case?


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