Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mikeb"

Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for. :)


Nope, but I had noticed SignalR had made alpha: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -core-2-0/</a>

Looking through the AspNetZero code, they've used a #FEATURE_SIGNALR directive to comment out the SIGNALR-dependent features. I guess one way forward is to install the SignalR alpha package, define FEATURE_SIGNALR, fix any compilation issues and see if the built-in functionality (chat etc) can be made to work. I am keen to get SignalR happening with Core 2.0, but have other priorities right now. I'll post back if I get a chance to work on this, but otherwise maybe a ANZ support person could post here what with their intentions are on this front - please? :)

Hi - as I mentioned above above I'm using VS2017 15.3.3, but there I updated to 15.3.4 today and haven't tried again since then - could it make a difference?


I just now tested a download ASP.NET Core MVC + jQuery, along with .NET Core 2.0, and that compiles fine with just a handful of warnings, so all good; I re-installed the .NET Core 2.0 SDK, as it appeared I had some issues with the initial install there. BTW I'm using VS 2017 15.3.3 also.

However for: ASP.NET MVC5.x & jQuery v4.5.1 .Net Framework 4.6.1 ... I get these warnings upon opening the solution from the extracted contents of the ZIP file in the first attachment "OnLoading.png". I then build, and get the "OnBuilding.png" results. Let me know if there's more I can do to help.

Same occurs for me. As a new purchaser of Aspnetzero I was kind of expecting the initial download to compile without errors, but there seems to be issues surrounding .NET version issues that need resolving.

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