Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mmorales"


Can not see more than five registered users. When selecting the drop down to view 10 or 20 or any on the filter I get no results. The pagination does not work either can not select to go next.


I'm having trouble exporting data from an older database in to the newer database that has new fields. Please advise.

How can I modify the Registration Error view when username is already taken. Also how do I modify the error text for username already taken message.


Hello, I have created several forms and I can send email but now I'm trying to use the Email template but don't know how to called the mail template to replace {Title} {Subject}.

Here is what I'm using to send email

_emailSender.Send( to: "", subject: "", body: $"", isBodyHtml: true );


I am using ASPNETZERO ASPNET CORE and JQuery version 4.3.3.

I need to modify the system so that when a user registers they do not receive an activation email and need to send an email to a specific email address every time a user registers.

Where on the Registration can I modify this functionality.

I found the issue:

the solution is to move the if null statement before it converts to Int 64.

I'm having trouble applying authorizations on public pages. I have created a controller that holds all the private views. As soon as I apply authorize to the Controller as follows: [AbpMvcAuthorize] public class AboutController : WebPortalControllerBase { public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } } I get this error

An unhandled exception occurred while processing this request ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null Parameter name: S system.covert.frombase64String(string s)

Showing 21 to 27 of 27 entries