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Activities of "moustafa"

**Hello every one

i was trying to make sure that activation link sent to user after registration or from control panel by admin or throw email activation page <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6240/Account/EmailActivation">http://localhost:6240/Account/EmailActivation</a>

but it's not working

first of all in MyProjectCoreModule.cs i enabled email sending in debug mode IocManager.Register<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

and set the smtp settings and i'm very sure that its valid data but i have dobt about specific fields smtp host (no problem) smtp port (no problem) domain name (?????) username (??????) password (no problem) ssl (no problem)

but nothing works i tried for hours now so what i am missing ? can someone explains this for me ? thank you in advance**

ok i left domain empty

so what about username ?

you absolutely right so i tried with my gmail account gmail smtp : port : 25 ssl : false username : moustafa password: ****************

still the same problem :(

i believe you so far and i trust ASP.NET Zero and i'm sure the problem from my side not yours .. i really appreciate your concern , i'll try again and over again and i'll let you know how far i would reach

thank you hikalkan for your support


by default 'admin' user , 'admin' role are created , that's ok

i need to do the following scenario : two users created by default admin and superadmin two roles created by default admin and superadmin

the idea is superadmin user has all the permissions the admin has all the permissions except pages that specified by superadmin ex: languages, organization stucture, audit logs and the most important thing no one even admin can't see superadmins in users list and can't see those pages in role management page , and superadmin roles doesn't appear in roles page , in brief no one can see superadmin user and superadmin role at any page that uses roles logic , no one can use it to make any query except superadmin user

hoping the idea is clear , so how can i do that ?


actually my question related to both host and tenant i'll go throw the code again but there is a point confuses me which is suppose that superadmin give the admin the permission to edit the roles page then admin will still able to see all pages in the role tree like language page , like wise for any page included in roles tree how exactly can i ensure that no one can see that page in role tree and prevent any queries on it except for superadmin

hope the idea is clear

yes i meant "permission tree" by "role tree". sorry for that :)

i want to keep permission management for admin user but remove specific pages from it like languages , and of course superadmin user can see all the pages in permission tree ;)

ok , can you please refer me to the code responsible for retrieving data for permission tree maybe i can filter it in some way

thank you :)

Hello , i need to report a simple error of type " Input string was not in a correct format." in changePassword.chtml which occurs when someone trying to change the password only when he use the arabic interface

this line particularly throw that error
<span class="help-block">@Html.Raw(L("PasswordChangeDontRememberMessage", "<a href=&quot;" + Url.Action("ForgotPassword", "Account") + "&quot;>" + L("ClickHere") + "</a>"))</span>

the problem is in arabic localization file <text name="PasswordChangeDontRememberMessage">إذا كنت لا تتذكر كلمة المرور {0} {</text> so you need to change it to be to fix the problem <text name="PasswordChangeDontRememberMessage">إذا كنت لا تتذكر كلمة المرور {0}.</text>

thank you

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