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Activities of "moustafa"

Hi @ismcagdas

thanks for your reply


i'm using latest verion core + angular

How to change color in style.bundle.css & style.bundle.rtl.css? i need to change value of --danger: #fd27eb; to #fd27eb and it's related rgba values , that's all :)

i cannot even find sass files to make a try



How to Login to Swagger Ui when Two Factor Authintication is Enabled as i got error message after providing username & password which related to confirmation code ?

@ismcagdas could you please refer me to articles or blogs related to that topics ?

Hi my friend @ismcagdas

Thank you for your reply

I know that it's hard to explain all these common terms nad i know that the Refresh token is used for security purposes

but i hope you can schedule you time or figure something to explain these terms in a short period simultaneously in different sessions because this topic is very very important and confused for a lot of developers

thank you

Hello everyone

As you know ASP.NET Zero implement th JWT for authentication process what about Refresh Token, it's idea ?! , what 's the relation between them and session and cookies in our app

Actually i got confused a lot of terms, protocols,and technologies are been implemented but i don't understand the main idea , what are these used for exactly ?

i tried many times to search but i got lost and confused more

i hope someone could write down a full explanation or good answer to make every thing clear and nice

OAuth , OpenId Connect, Identity Server, JWT, Access Token, Refresh Token, Security Stamp

what i need is to understand to full picture of authentication process implemented in ASP.NET Zero and all the technologies used for achieving that in some details please

Thanks in advance :)

I am using the Core project with Angular version 7.0.0 (latest) but i noticed that Login page not responsive .. so how to fix it ? thanks in advance

Hello everyone this question is has nothing to do with ASP.NET Zero in web.config as the application has multiple languages

<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />

so the problem is i need to see errors messages (exceptions) in English only and the same for log, not depending on the current culture selected by the user , and i cannot set uiCulture to "en-GB" in web.config that will cause a problem and the localization will not work except for English.

Any ideas?



Hello I'm using version Angular & core 5.0.4 (.netframework4.6) i noticed a small problem when i login from Xamarin App to show up this problem you must force user to change his password next login attempt or create a new user and also make sure you checked option (should change password on next login) .. that's it

Now try to login this time from Xamarin app , you will get this error message An error occurred. Do you want to try again ?

note i tested this issue on android emulator and my real device , but i didn't tested on IOS yet


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