Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "moustafa"


i'm using latest verion core + angular

How to change color in style.bundle.css & style.bundle.rtl.css? i need to change value of --danger: #fd27eb; to #fd27eb and it's related rgba values , that's all :)

i cannot even find sass files to make a try



How to Login to Swagger Ui when Two Factor Authintication is Enabled as i got error message after providing username & password which related to confirmation code ?

Hello everyone

As you know ASP.NET Zero implement th JWT for authentication process what about Refresh Token, it's idea ?! , what 's the relation between them and session and cookies in our app

Actually i got confused a lot of terms, protocols,and technologies are been implemented but i don't understand the main idea , what are these used for exactly ?

i tried many times to search but i got lost and confused more

i hope someone could write down a full explanation or good answer to make every thing clear and nice

OAuth , OpenId Connect, Identity Server, JWT, Access Token, Refresh Token, Security Stamp

what i need is to understand to full picture of authentication process implemented in ASP.NET Zero and all the technologies used for achieving that in some details please

Thanks in advance :)

I am using the Core project with Angular version 7.0.0 (latest) but i noticed that Login page not responsive .. so how to fix it ? thanks in advance

Hello everyone this question is has nothing to do with ASP.NET Zero in web.config as the application has multiple languages

<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />

so the problem is i need to see errors messages (exceptions) in English only and the same for log, not depending on the current culture selected by the user , and i cannot set uiCulture to "en-GB" in web.config that will cause a problem and the localization will not work except for English.

Any ideas?


Hello I'm using version Angular & core 5.0.4 (.netframework4.6) i noticed a small problem when i login from Xamarin App to show up this problem you must force user to change his password next login attempt or create a new user and also make sure you checked option (should change password on next login) .. that's it

Now try to login this time from Xamarin app , you will get this error message An error occurred. Do you want to try again ?

note i tested this issue on android emulator and my real device , but i didn't tested on IOS yet



In Dashboard page i noticed that GetWorldMap Service are being called repeatedly is that normal behavior as i captured 30 in less than a minute



I've been read the discussion in this post []) and i understand your point of view , i don't deny i disappointed of your decision about your plans for Angular 1.x version as i'm a big fan of it and now i have to rewrite my application from beginning to get advantages of Angular 2.x version i know that you will continue supporting Angular 1.x as much as you can but i have one request that is not easy for me to do alone and may some members will agree with me on it like this post [])

Projects Separation what i meant as you did in Angular 2.x which is great done by the way this issue cause me a lot of problems and i hope to solve this problems in next releases or at least provide detailed instructions to help us to do it myself



I have Enum defined in core project that i use in many places of my application even in backend or frontend , the reason why i do this is if i decide to change values of Enum's properties would be in one place

namespace Umbrella.Models.Helpers
    public static class Enums
        public enum CategoryType
            Article = 1,
            Blog = 2,
            Faq = 3,
            Gallery = 4,
            News = 5,
            Service = 6,
            Video = 7,
            Work = 8,
            Slideshow = 9,
            Testimonial = 10

and i created controller in Web.Host project to retrieve that Enum as Json

namespace Umbrella.Web.Controllers
    public class EnumsController : UmbrellaControllerBase
        [ResponseCache(Duration = Int32.MaxValue, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any)]
        public JsonResult Index()
            var enumType = typeof(Enums.CategoryType);
            var enumDictionary = enumType
                .Where(x => x.IsLiteral)
                .ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => (int)Enum.Parse(enumType, x.Name));
            var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(enumDictionary);
            return Json(new {Data = json});

so to call this controller i use this url [http://localhost:22742/Enums]) and this is the output

result: {
data: "{"Article":1,"Blog":2,"Faq":3,"Gallery":4,"News":5,"Service":6,"Video":7,"Work":8,"Slideshow":9,"Testimonial":10}"
targetUrl: null,
success: true,
error: null,
unAuthorizedRequest: false,
__abp: true

in frontend i created EnumService to retrieve this Enum

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Http } from "@angular/http";
import { AppConsts } from '@shared/AppConsts';

export class EnumsService {

    actionUrl = AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/Enums';
    enums: any;

    constructor(private _http: Http) {

    getEnums(): any {
        return this._http.get(this.actionUrl)
            .subscribe((result) => {
                this.enums = result.json().data;

        // if (this.enums) {
        //     return Observable.of(this.enums);
        // } else {
        //     return this._http.get(this.actionUrl)
        //         .map(res => res.json())
        //         .do((data) => {
        //             this.enums = data;
        //         });
        // }


what i need to do is to call EnumService only on app initialization (just once) so how can i achieve that ? is there any something wrong in my code or better way to achieve my goal? could you please explain to me the Observable object as i'm so confused ? and then how can i use these values in any components (ts,html) ? hope my questions are clear enough


Hello i have a question related to project core with Angular2 (.net 4.6.1) How can i pass TenantId as url parameter (query string) in login page and register page? because i don't user to enter his tenant id as i'm going to hide choosing tenant section


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