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Activities of "mraad@fpnetworth"


It turned out that Azure by default uses UTC as the timezone regardless of the region.

So i just changed Clock.Provider to UTC and all is good now.

Thanks for your help.

Regards, Bilal.


We're using Angular and the default clock provider (UnspecifiedClockProvider).

Regards, Bilal.


The user notifications are displayed in the wrong timezone.

For example: I publish a new notification right now using: _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync

The notificaiton is received and when I click to view my unread notifications, the time is displayed next to the notification as 3 hours ago.

We don't have any custom functionality. This all comes with the template.

I tried to trace the code and I see that it supports tenant timezones. We havent used that functionality and in this case, I read that moment by default uses the client timezone (which is what we want).

For example, the following notification was sent on 9:32 am Beirut Time. So it should be displayed as few minutes ago, when I directly view it from Beirut. I directly got 3 hours ago after opening it within a few minutes:

"{"tenantId":2,"notificationName":"App.LeaveRequest","data":{"type":"Abp.Notifications.MessageNotificationData","properties":{"Message":"This is a test message"}},"entityType":null,"entityTypeName":null,"entityId":null,"severity":1,"creationTime":"2019-09-09T03:32:35.803Z","id":"1f475e85-01e6-40e9-9bb1-3254c9d47e68"}"

The message shows it was saved as 3 hours earlier.

We're using ASPNETZero v7.0.0

Please advise.


Regards, Bilal.

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