Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mraad@fpnetworth"


The user notifications are displayed in the wrong timezone.

For example: I publish a new notification right now using: _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync

The notificaiton is received and when I click to view my unread notifications, the time is displayed next to the notification as 3 hours ago.

We don't have any custom functionality. This all comes with the template.

I tried to trace the code and I see that it supports tenant timezones. We havent used that functionality and in this case, I read that moment by default uses the client timezone (which is what we want).

For example, the following notification was sent on 9:32 am Beirut Time. So it should be displayed as few minutes ago, when I directly view it from Beirut. I directly got 3 hours ago after opening it within a few minutes:

"{"tenantId":2,"notificationName":"App.LeaveRequest","data":{"type":"Abp.Notifications.MessageNotificationData","properties":{"Message":"This is a test message"}},"entityType":null,"entityTypeName":null,"entityId":null,"severity":1,"creationTime":"2019-09-09T03:32:35.803Z","id":"1f475e85-01e6-40e9-9bb1-3254c9d47e68"}"

The message shows it was saved as 3 hours earlier.

We're using ASPNETZero v7.0.0

Please advise.


Regards, Bilal.

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