Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mrvithan"


Yes, i do. I use AngularJS 1, ASP.NET MVC, and WebAPI


I am trying to use Swagger to create an WebAPI document. but have to luck to start it. Any help to get me start ?


I have look into the sample but doesn't see any notification or signalIR code.

Please advice.

Do you have a sample or project using notification and signalIR to share ? i have read the document but not sure where to start first.

Thx for sharing.

Ok i can see how already. Thx.

Nope. I try to reference to AbpUser<TTenant, TUser>, but still no luck

User class is not defined .... seems that i don't know its namespace.

How to reference to ABp User object from Entity class ?

For example,

public virtual User ApproveManager {get;set;}

 public virtual int      ApproveManagerId    { get; set;

I have tried this way but compile with error.

Please advise.

I am not sure what i did wrong. But when i throw a user friendly exception; the show "Hello World" alert; not the exception message.

Please advise.

hummm ... maybe a couple month ago, 'cause it is a live-production system already. Is there any code i can apply to the previous version.

Showing 1 to 10 of 33 entries