Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "mrvithan"


I am trying to use Swagger to create an WebAPI document. but have to luck to start it. Any help to get me start ?


Do you have a sample or project using notification and signalIR to share ? i have read the document but not sure where to start first.

Thx for sharing.

How to reference to ABp User object from Entity class ?

For example,

public virtual User ApproveManager {get;set;}

 public virtual int      ApproveManagerId    { get; set;

I have tried this way but compile with error.

Please advise.

I am not sure what i did wrong. But when i throw a user friendly exception; the show "Hello World" alert; not the exception message.

Please advise.


By default, if the ajax service call timeout, it will notify with only "NULL". How do i customize the message ?

I am trying to create a user management module. But i am quite confuse between user role and Authorization (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... horization</a>).

I can't see how to assign "Authorization" to a user, but i can see how to create a role and assign a role to user while creating a user. But i don't think it is the same one.

May need your suggestion.

I have try several method but not seem to work. Please help.

I try to create a new user with no Tenant in an AppService using this code :

//Create user
        var user = new User
            Name            = input.Name.Trim(),
            Surname         = input.Name.Trim(),
            EmailAddress    = input.Email.Trim(),
            IsActive        = true,
            TenantId        = 1

        user.UserName   = input.Code;
        user.Password   = new PasswordHasher().HashPassword(input.Password);
        user.Roles      = new List&lt;UserRole&gt;();
        foreach (var agentRole in _roleManager.Roles.Where(r => r.Name == StaticRoleNames.Host.Agent).ToList())
            user.Roles.Add(new UserRole { RoleId = agentRole.Id });


I also setup a new role called 'Agent' with Tenant = 1. There is no error but the user has not been created.

Any suggestion ?

After i add

AbpBootstrapper.IocManager.RegisterIfNot<IAssemblyFinder, CurrentDomainAssemblyFinder>();

in Global.ascx. Seem that i get this error every time i restart my server on all my controller.

No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

I have to re-compile whole solution again and it run again.

Any suggestion ?

I suddenly get this error "Could not load file or assembly 'msvcp120.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest." at base.Application_Start(sender, e);

Any help ?

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