Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "nicolaslau"


Yes, I have ran npm run build and i confirm the file 'app-layout-libs.min.js' existed .

I config IIS as the instruction you provided.

@ryancyq yes, it mvc +jquery

I use a refresh source code. there is no my own code. just click save button on every page(like Add Role).

And i test it. in mode=development of npm, it works.
but in production mode, it fails.

abpzero v7.0.0

When click Save button(every page include save), javascript erro is thrown.

app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: rRb is not defined
    at (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at o (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at <anonymous>:31:28
    at c (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at Object.s.<computed> [as resolve] (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at Function.handleResponse (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)
    at c (app-layout-libs.min.js?v=TinVLFyB-mWKSW9vX5UXb19wmaRDSn8FOpY8WDnSF0I:1)

updated: I use a refresh source code. there is no my own codes. just click save button on every page(like Add Role). And i test it. in mode=development of npm, it works. but in production mode, it fails.

@ismcagdas this problem doesn`t occurs again after a fresh git operation. thanks.

@maliming it works. do i need to rebuild the migrator every other source codes(like web) changed? or just copy only my project updated dll(not migrator) to this dir ?

i will use migrator to update my database.when i copy the compiled migrator folder, and run it. i get error missing many dependencies from Migrator.deps.json. i try copy all my dlls from web project. i still get error 'SqlClient.dll version 4.6.0' not found, actually it has a SqlClient.dll with version 4.6.27110.4.

what is the correct process to upgrade/create databse using Migrator in production enviorment?

@exlnt It the "watching" feature of webpack that watch files changed and recomplie. check this using-watch-mode. Actually, it finished building and you can force to stop safely. But it stop CI/CD process. You can change the package.json(npm config file at Mvc project dir). like this.

  "scripts": {
    "create-bundles": "webpack --progress --profile --watch --mode=development",
    "build": "webpack --mode=production",
    "create-bundles-no-watch": "webpack --progress --profile --mode=development"

change "create-bundles" to remove "--watch" or add a new script like "create-bundles-no-watch" that remove "--watch" and use "npm run create-bundles-no-watch" instead of "npm run create-bundles".

at webpack production mode, building using "npm run build" will not hang.

abpzero:7.0.0 nodejs: yarn: 1.16.0 npm:12.3.1 webpack 4.32.2

....more errors like above

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