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Activities of "oaalvarado"

I'm trying to deploy to a sub application, same result.

Hi @maliming,

Thanks for your reply. You're right, but I managed to make it work with your suggestions from this question.

It was working fine with version 7.0. But now it doesn't with version 8.1. What I found is that the abp.appPath doesn't get the directory in the new version.

This is with version 7.0:

And this with version 8.1:

So I was wondering what changed?

Thanks Aaron. I can't find any documentation on how to upgrade. Can you send me a link with the steps to do the upgrade to v7.1.0?

Thanks maliming, that fixed the problem.

Thanks maliming.

Hi maliming,

I figured out that I need to configure the Isolationlevel in the Preinitialize function of EntityFrameworkCoreModule:

Configuration.UnitOfWork.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;

And now I can connect to the Oracle Database.

Question: Is this something that can be configure only for the Oracle DBContext or is a global setting?

Is there a performance penalty on using IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted instead of IsolationLeve.ReadUncommitted?

Hi maliming,

Thanks. the second database is only to get data from, so no migration for this database is needed. I will just query this Oracle Database. I followed the example and I was missing the MyConnectionStringResolver.cs class. But now, when I try to connect to the Oracle Database, I get the error:

ArgumentException: IsolationLevel must be ReadCommitted or Serializable Parameter name: isolationLevel Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)

I'm using a Custom Repository to query the Oracle Database, I followed this,-User-Defined-Functions-and-Views/index.html to add the Custom Repository to query a View in the Oracle Database, but when I try to connect to the database using this function:

private void EnsureConnectionOpen() { var connection = Context.Database.GetDbConnection();

if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)


I get the error in the Context.Database.GetDbConnection() call.

Hi maliming,

The issue was with the javascript. It works now. Thanks for your help.

Hi @maliming,

I did the following as a test, created a simple View with 2 fields, added the code in controller and model to save the data from the View, but when I click the button to do the Post action, it displays the error message HTTP Error 415. I did this in a demo project, not the one I'm working on.

Hi @maliming,

The organization I work for doesn't allow the use of Teamviewer. I have Skype for Business. Is there another way to connect?

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