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Activities of "oceanbi"

I updated the function name, and another error popup, this function KTUtil.getBody is not exist in my KTUtil

I see getByID instead of getById :

We are running AspNet Zero 8.9.0, perhaps updating it to AspNet Zero 9.0.1 will solve this issue?

Hi there,

Do you have any working example of metronoic wizard implementation on aspnetzero MVC? I tried to follow example which I download from Github (metronic_v7.0.3), but keep getting this error message (Uncaught TypeError: KTUtil.getById is not a function). My ASPNETZRO is in version 8.9

What I have done so far:

  • Copy wizard.css and wizard.js to my Web.MVC project and add to bundles.
  • Load wizard.js (bundle) and wizard.css via _Layout.cshtml
  • Update my page cshtml.

I can see the css is working, but when I run the app I get the error KTUtil.getById is not a function. Looks like I miss some resource files, but I'm not sure which one. Could you please check?

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