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Activities of "oceanbi"

Hi there,

Do you have any working example of metronoic wizard implementation on aspnetzero MVC? I tried to follow example which I download from Github (metronic_v7.0.3), but keep getting this error message (Uncaught TypeError: KTUtil.getById is not a function). My ASPNETZRO is in version 8.9

What I have done so far:

  • Copy wizard.css and wizard.js to my Web.MVC project and add to bundles.
  • Load wizard.js (bundle) and wizard.css via _Layout.cshtml
  • Update my page cshtml.

I can see the css is working, but when I run the app I get the error KTUtil.getById is not a function. Looks like I miss some resource files, but I'm not sure which one. Could you please check?

I see getByID instead of getById :

We are running AspNet Zero 8.9.0, perhaps updating it to AspNet Zero 9.0.1 will solve this issue?

I updated the function name, and another error popup, this function KTUtil.getBody is not exist in my KTUtil

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