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Activities of "onecontact"

Hi, when we try to deploy the app in Release mode, we are getting this error, what we can do?

js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2930 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=app&p1=Error%3A%20%…2Flibs%2Fjs%3Fv%3DMe9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1%3A2970%3A44)
    at js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2930
    at js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2966
    at q (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2931)
    at g (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2965)
    at eb (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2970)
    at c (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2945)
    at Sc (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2946)
    at ue (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2944)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3255)
    at i (js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:6)
(anonymous) @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2930
(anonymous) @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2966
q @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2931
g @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2965
eb @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2970
c @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2945
Sc @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2946
ue @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:2944
(anonymous) @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3255
i @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:6
fireWith @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:6
ready @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:6
K @ js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:6
js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3798 DEBUG: 
js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3798 Connected to SignalR server!
js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3798 DEBUG: 
js?v=Me9BsJnwvtNb8w7lCjGnFGSVrwb7By8TPrM_nZalVQQ1:3798 Registered to the SignalR server!

thank you

Hi, when access to te app, we are getting this error:

localforage.min.js:7 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException
e.onabort.e.onerror @ localforage.min.js:7

We don't use localforage.

Can someone help, please?

:| Our app is in angular 1 + asp net mvc 5.x


I can use this components: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> ?, if yes, how?

Hi!, I follow this steps, and still couldn't see the datepicker :(


Please, can you teach me how implement a autocomplete plugin with angular2?, we're using the material design theme of metronic. thank you

Installed this : []) and now work!, thank you

That web.config wasnt included in the deployment package :(, when I add that, I get 500 error, I remove this lines too:

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />

but now the entire app are on error 500. :( :|


Hi guys, I want to implement the datepicker component : bootstrap-datepicker like the metronic theme, I added the css and the js to .angular-cli.json, and implement as component like

@ViewChild('dateInput') dateInput: ElementRef;
        orientation: "bottom auto"
<input #dateInput name="DocumentDate" class="form-control"  [ngClass]="{'edited':sale.documentDate}" [(ngModel)]="sale.documentDate" required>

but not work, I check the styles and are another declarations for css datepicker on plugins.css and plugins-md.css, but doesn't work yet, you have a implementation of this? im using the aspnetcore (with .net 4.6) and angular2 project


Hi guys,on my app: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> when I select another language, this redirect to /tenant, and get a 404, error, this is a general error?, I have the asp net core(.net 4.6.1) with angular2 project version.


Showing 21 to 29 of 29 entries