Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "optixdev"

Angular + .Net Core (Version 8.3)

Application not loading on Internet Explorer 11 (Working fine on Chrome, Mozilla, Edge)


Angular + .Net Core (ZERO version 8.3)

How to use Microsoft as login for second time instead of signup.

  • For first time I am able to signup successfully using Microsoft.
  • Admin activated the account.
  • I tried to login using Microsoft, it alerting me email address already exists.

Activated users should be able to login through Microsoft Login button successfully instead of alerting "user already exists".

I solved by excluding the Public project

Hi @ismcagdas

How and where I can define Permisison for each page? Also, whats new in version 8.3? What is the best way to merge 8.2 with 8.3?

Thank you very much its working now.


@maliming I have sent you an email.

@ismcagdas I don't want to make user as tenant admin.

I have three Pages A, B and C thats display in Navigation Menu

(Angular + .Net Core)

I have to show:

Page A to Tenant Admin and Tenant User

Page B to Tenant User only

Page C to Tenant Admin only

[Note: These pages are STATIC 'Page A' and created only in Angular Projects as they dont need entity/database connection. Also it should not display on Host Admin/User]

How can I do this?

Hi (Angular + .Net Core)

I have company website on and

I want to host all of ASP.NET Zero on sbdomain:

  • (For the .Net Core App)
  • (For the Admin)
  • (For Tenant 1)
  • (For Tenant 2)

These are my current configuration which is not working. Also when i am on the images are not displaying as its taking main webiste URL where my images and css are not hosted.

File: Web.Host\appsettings.Staging.json "App": { "ServerRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ClientRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "CorsOrigins": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}" }

File: Angular "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "", "appBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "localeMappings": {

** Also, how to differentiate between Host and the Tenant?**


There is something wrong with "kt-header--minimize" class.

Showing 11 to 20 of 58 entries