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Activities of ""


Hi, yes with real device

should i change this link in ApiUrlConfig ?


Hi, i start to run Xamarin app for our project , when i start running it in debugging mode it start the screen below for 2 sec then stop.

&& with release mode it start as this pic , with error occurred but nothing in device log & error list



Hi, no its enable

and here notification icon number only changed when we refresh the page also


Hi, why i did not receive desktop Notification ? i did all steps in you documentation:
here what i created : AppNotifier: AppNotificationProvider: UserNotificationHelper: and i have :

and in this method in vacation service where i called it :

every thing fine and there is no errors appear in logs .

Hi, i have this error in a huge number as you see , after i publish

how to solve it please ??

Hi, I update target framework all of csproj files in the project because some of them was “<TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>”

But there is no tag like “Abp.ZeroCore.IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore v4.3.0 ” exists !!, how should I add it ?? After I change target framework to net6.0 I published it again but still same error.


Hi there, i have this problem after i upgrade to 11.4 v , when i publish it to iis , i have this problem when i run server side (swagger) and the app like this : i changed my settings as shown below :

and about logs file i had this :

what should i do ?

Hi, can you help me , because i have the same prob. and i change my settings as your answer ,

the errors still same :/


the result of the subscribe method on typescript is empty , but in service side there is two list back from the method . as you can see in pictures in the qus.

where is the problem !!!



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