Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "peopleteq"

I need to modify current api/TokenAuth/Authenticate method. This method uses userNameAndMail and password fields for authentification. I am looking for a way to add a couple of fields to the AbpUser and use them in certain way I need. Is that possible?


Hi there:)

I am using Azure DevOps CI. I have question about databe migrations run from pipline. My release pipline is executed on production server (self-hosted agent). Could you provide an example or way how to execute migration? I am asking becuase I am bit confused with way provided in ANZ doc It offers simple way: generate sql script from migrations files and excute it. But at the same time in the Get Started section documentation says to use the migrator app that works a bit different. Could you advise about migrations with azure pipline on self-hosted agent?


Hi @ismcagdas

That is very good news! Thanks for reply.


Sorry, got acces to repo. Btw, when we can get update with 3.0?



Are there any plans to upgrage ANZ with .net 3.0. I tryed to figured out that on forum but I am not able to pen links from alway 404 error. My github account is invited to anz client team. So, any plans? Also is it safe to update ANZ 7 with .net 3.0?


Just want to specify my request. JSON should be (if possible) be processed not in request (I mean modyfing request body), but somewhere on upper lever like validation works.

A;so preprocessing should be done not for all API of the host, only for exact services and much better for exact paths


I need preporcess json payload on API call request, eg remove prefixes in name properties on json objects:

{ "value" }


{ item: "value" }

I need do this because not all API users can send data in required format. Can that be done within ANZ or that shold be done with ASP.NET Core only? I guess that can be done with middleware, I will very appreciate if you will show example


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