Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "peterlee"



I already understand the directives and I have the source code as well.

Despite understanding and writing code

It does not get value or text value.




cshtml <articleunit-combo selected-articleunit="vm.requestParams.articleunit"></articleunit-combo>

angular alert(vm.requestParams.articleunit);

is null or empty

how to get value or text?



i will make articleunitCombo.cshtml and js (permissionCombo.cshtml and js )

articleUnitService.getArticleUnits({}).then(function (result) {

                        function (item) {
                            &lt;ins&gt;**item.displayName = (Array(item.level+1).join("--")) + ' ' + item.displayName;**&lt;/ins&gt;

                    $scope.articleunits =;
                    //refresh combo
                    $timeout(function () {

item.level+1 code is error (+1)

My article unit has the same organizationalUnit and data table structure.


how to select box value set (

The test went well.

I made the following angular code.

Vm.getArticleUnitName = function (articleUnitId) { ArticleUnitService.getAriticleUnitById ({id: articleUnitId}) .then (function (result) { Return result; }); };

The problem is that in the Data Grid

{ Name: app.localize ('ArticleCategory'), Field: 'articleCategory', MinWidth: 150, CellTemplate: '<Div> {{vm.getArticleUnitName (row.entity.articleCategory)}} </ div>' <- ? },

? I do not seem to be able to call it

What is wrong


Hi~; <--id value, long type, primary key Object {} jquery.min.js:4 POST <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6240/api/services/app/articleUnit/GetAriticleUnitById">http://localhost:6240/api/services/app/ ... leUnitById</a> 400 (Bad Request) send @ jquery.min.js:4 ajax @ jquery.min.js:4 (anonymous) @ abp.jquery.js:20 Deferred @ jquery.min.js:2 abp.ajax @ abp.jquery.js:19 serviceNamespace.getAriticleUnitById @ GetAll?v=636267387017316749:966 (anonymous) @ VM19165:1 abp.js:350 ERROR: abp.js:350 Object {code: 0, message: "[Validation error]", details: "[Validation narrative title] ↵ - input is null! ↵", validationErrors: Array[1]}

how to id value test ?

it's my abp.service code is..

public async Task<string> GetAriticleUnitById(EntityDto<long> input) { var articleUnit = await _articleUnitRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);

        return  articleUnit.DisplayName.ToString();

Thank you~!

right. I want to sort out the car items. Bmw

  • 5 Series
  • 3 Serise Benz
  • 3 Serise
  • 310
  • 310 b .... I want to make the structure like Organization.


OrganizationUnit(metadata) in

40 line : public OrganizationUnit(int? tenantId, string displayName, long? parentId = default(long?));

I am switching to ArticleUnit.cs ...

What should I do?

public int? tenantId; public string displayName; public long? parentId = default(long?);

    public ArticleUnit(int? TenantId, string DisplayName, long? ParentId)
        tenantId = TenantId;
        displayName = DisplayName;
        parentId = ParentId;
  1. right?

Also, ApGetRelativeCodependCode, CalculateNextCode, CreateCode, GetLastUnitCode, GetParentCode 2. Is it right for me to code according to the summary instructions?

  1. CreateAsync, MoveAsync It is included in the OrganizationUnitManager ...

How can I solve this?

okay... :D

I've found that it works right.

Note that..

GetAsync, GetAllListAsync .... etc.

In which document can I find it? :roll:

I am implementing the edit page by loading the item selected on the item list page. (Like a user modification page ...)

So, I refer to the User, Role page, which is a similar form.

Both functions use Manager function. (Var user = await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync (input.Id.Value);)

By the way, I can not learn by referring to GetUserByIdAsync.

Public async Task <GetArticleForEditOutput> GetArticleForEdit (NullableIdDto input) {

If (input.Id.HasValue) { Var article = await ???????? (input.Id.Value); } }

Above ?? What should I do with the part?

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