Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "peterlee"



i will make articleunitCombo.cshtml and js (permissionCombo.cshtml and js )

articleUnitService.getArticleUnits({}).then(function (result) {

                        function (item) {
                            <ins>**item.displayName = (Array(item.level+1).join("--")) + ' ' + item.displayName;**</ins>

                    $scope.articleunits =;
                    //refresh combo
                    $timeout(function () {

item.level+1 code is error (+1)

My article unit has the same organizationalUnit and data table structure.


how to select box value set (


Hi~; <--id value, long type, primary key Object {} jquery.min.js:4 POST <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6240/api/services/app/articleUnit/GetAriticleUnitById">http://localhost:6240/api/services/app/ ... leUnitById</a> 400 (Bad Request) send @ jquery.min.js:4 ajax @ jquery.min.js:4 (anonymous) @ abp.jquery.js:20 Deferred @ jquery.min.js:2 abp.ajax @ abp.jquery.js:19 serviceNamespace.getAriticleUnitById @ GetAll?v=636267387017316749:966 (anonymous) @ VM19165:1 abp.js:350 ERROR: abp.js:350 Object {code: 0, message: "[Validation error]", details: "[Validation narrative title] ↵ - input is null! ↵", validationErrors: Array[1]}

how to id value test ?

it's my abp.service code is..

public async Task<string> GetAriticleUnitById(EntityDto<long> input) { var articleUnit = await _articleUnitRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);

        return  articleUnit.DisplayName.ToString();


OrganizationUnit(metadata) in

40 line : public OrganizationUnit(int? tenantId, string displayName, long? parentId = default(long?));

I am switching to ArticleUnit.cs ...

What should I do?

public int? tenantId; public string displayName; public long? parentId = default(long?);

    public ArticleUnit(int? TenantId, string DisplayName, long? ParentId)
        tenantId = TenantId;
        displayName = DisplayName;
        parentId = ParentId;
  1. right?

Also, ApGetRelativeCodependCode, CalculateNextCode, CreateCode, GetLastUnitCode, GetParentCode 2. Is it right for me to code according to the summary instructions?

  1. CreateAsync, MoveAsync It is included in the OrganizationUnitManager ...

How can I solve this?

I am implementing the edit page by loading the item selected on the item list page. (Like a user modification page ...)

So, I refer to the User, Role page, which is a similar form.

Both functions use Manager function. (Var user = await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync (input.Id.Value);)

By the way, I can not learn by referring to GetUserByIdAsync.

Public async Task <GetArticleForEditOutput> GetArticleForEdit (NullableIdDto input) {

If (input.Id.HasValue) { Var article = await ???????? (input.Id.Value); } }

Above ?? What should I do with the part?


<input date-range-picker type="text" options="vm.dateRangeOptions" min="vm.dateRangeOptions.min" max="vm.dateRangeOptions.max" class="form-control date-picker".....

I want to use it as a single type rather than a multi type.


$('input[name="articleDateStart"]').daterangepicker({ singleDatePicker: true, showDropdowns: false, locale: { format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' }


I wrote the above code, so I got the following problem.

Overlapping labels when selecting dates


I am adding an image file to an existing person project.

Uploading the image file referenced the profile.


PersonService.createPerson (vm.person) .then (function () { (app.localize ('SavedSuccessfully')); $ UibModalInstance.close (); }). Finally (function () { Vm.saving = false; });

I added all the entities, but I could not pass the image name to vm.person.

So it was successful to register the image name by modifying as below.

PersonService.createPerson ({ ArticleTitlePicture: vm.uploadedFileName }). Then (function () { (app.localize ( 'SavedSuccessfully')); $ UibModalInstance.close (); }). Finally (function () { Vm.saving = false; });

But, I wonder if there is a good way to register an image name like vm.person.



public virtual int ArticlePrice { get; set; }


ListDto code is public int ArticlePrice { get; set; }

error code is.. The property 'ArticlePrice' is not a String or Byte array. Length can only be configured for String and Byte array properties.

int, string , double ...

Samples are limited and progress is slow

I can not get the knowledge I need to go through the documentation. Do you have a sample I do not know?


I sample the organization (tree) code,

I want to create a (Category - Products) page.

So I did the following.

  1. Create Core - CategoryMaster.cs, CategoryUnit.cs file
  2. Aplication - CategoryUnitAppservies, ICategoryUnitAppservies And DTO
  3. Web - view files ...
  4. DBcontext Added. And Migration

But it was blocked from the first.

CategoryMaster, CategoryUnit "You must declare the body, because it is not marked extern or partial."

The message was confirmed.

Which other file should be declared?

I am downloading my project and doing my best.

I followed the phonebook step by step. - for a week :(

However, I was in trouble.

The phonebook sample works fine.

However, the projects that I have progressed step by step appear as shown in the figure.

I can not find the answer even if I look at every single problem.

Note that the database (PbPerson and phone) is normal

It works fine in the sample project.

I am the user I purchased today.

I started the installation by referring to the documentation.

  1. Activate the project after downloading ASP.NET MVC 5.x & Angularjs 1.x

  2. Right click the .Web project and select "Set as StartUp project"

  3. Build Error

-> declare var event: Event; Event identifier duplicate error (lib.d.ts)

-> interface IAbpSession {

Readonly userId ?: number;

Readonly tenantId ?: number;

Readonly impersonatorUserId ?: number;

Readonly impersonatorTenantId ?: number;

ReadOnly multiTenancySide: multiTenancy.sides;


Error signing required (requires TS1131 TypeScript attribute or signature)

This partial error prevents the database installation from proceeding.

First use mvc 5 model.

We want to develop into a great solution. Detailed map

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