Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "quantavn"

No, I don't think it is expected. Actually users list has only 03 records. I think there might be a potential bug here. In meanwhile, I will try as your suggestion.

Thank you for the suggestion, I've tried to update as following:


<td style="width: 150px">
    <span class="ui-column-title"> {{'UserName' | localize}}</span>
    <img *ngIf="!record.profilePictureId" src="./assets/common/images/default-profile-picture.png" alt="pic" />
    <img *ngIf="record.profilePictureId" [src]="getProfilePicture(record.profilePictureId)" alt="pic" />


getProfilePicture(profilePictureId: string): string {
    let profilePicture = '';
    this._profileServiceProxy.getProfilePictureById(profilePictureId).subscribe(result => {
        if (result && result.profilePicture) {
            profilePicture = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + result.profilePicture;
    return profilePicture;

But, the Google Chrome was hang, and I got 100% CPU.

I've checked and found that there are many requests are made:

Can you give me any idea? What was wrong here?

I'm using ASP.NET CORE & Angular (v8.1.0), I want to update Users grid to show ProfilePicture as below:

I've read Show Profile Pictures in Users Grid #5243 and tried updating as following: user.component.html: user.comonent.ts: remoteServiceBaseUrl: string = AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl; But the picture is not shown: I've got this error:

If I logged in to the SwaggerUI then refresh the Angular app, I got this error:

Here is my CORS setting in appsettings.json: "App": { "ServerRootAddress": "http://localhost:22742/", "ClientRootAddress": "http://localhost:4200/", "CorsOrigins": "http://*,http://localhost:4200,http://localhost:49152", "SwaggerEndPoint": "/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "AllowAnonymousSignalRConnection": "true" },

What am I missing here? Any other way to solve my problem?

Default Theme

I've checked with v8.1, it's not resolved:

I've updated the value of Abp.Net.Mail.DefaultFromAddress to a valid email address. But I got another error:

MailKit.Security.AuthenticationException: 535: 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at

Can you guide me how to setup Google Mail account with 2-Step Verification enable?

UPDATED: I can send test email now

Cannot send test email, got the exeption: System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.

Version: ASP.NET CORE & Angular - v8.1.0

Could you please share this KB to [email protected]? I'm very interesting in this integration. Many thanks!

Yes, the issue is missing URL Rewrite module. Solved after installing it. Thanks.

Do you mean this one:

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